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Explain like I'm five how to install obse21 on the steam version o


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Well to fully highjack the thread, do you use my trick of unequipping and then re-equipping your bow to get around the sneak cursor/Blockhead problem? I feel like I cheated if I don't headshot deer. It is nice to make that final kill shot a headshot on NPCs too (between the eyes when possible ... you can tell I'm trying to level up my guy's marksman for a while now).


@ particlepants, let us know how things are working out.

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@Striker: Yup, today my trick of holding the arrow in the bow until the cursor fixes itself stopped working, but your trick of changing weapons still works finely. I have always two bows on my inventory, so I don't need to re-equip.


I'm also cuirous on how are things going for Particlepants.



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