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Mod Help with the CS


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Ok, im guessing like me, you all have alot of race mods (Lineage 2 Elves, Chocolate Elves, Mystic Elves etc....) what i am wanting to do is share some of the hair/eye data from 1 race mod with the other race mods. Now i know i can merge the .esp files and simply transfer the hair/eye data inside the CS, but i am wanting to keep the .esp files seperate.


So how do i go about using the hair/eye data from one mod and sharing it with another? (this will make the .esp files dependant on each other yes? not that im worried about that seeing as they will all be active anyways)


I loaded up the CS, made the mod with the hair/eye data the ACTIVE mod and selected another race mod as well. I then transfered the hair/eye data to the other race that didnt have it, and then saved. But when i played the game the race i added the hair/eyes to didnt have it the character creation.


Any ideas?

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you need to make copy's of the hair and eyes, save and reload your altered .esp now you can rename the hair and eyes and add them to your race. eyes usually have their own mesh. you can't mix them but you can replace them use del button to remove hair or eyes from a race if you must have both sets of eyes you can create to races 1 for each eye model and if you are using them to create companions I always copy and rename the race file and create the companion in that file. makes it much easier to edit. be sure to set the eye mesh for the eyes or they will look messed up
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