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MOTMwPellinore: February 2014 : More ridiculous than a dancing dragon.


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I really hope this sort of thing isn't frowned upon here.

Greetings, women and wyverns. Quite recently (a few days ago, in fact), a rather interesting idea sprouted up in my mind. What if I reviewed mods? The issue that arose, however, was that I have the humour and computer skills of an Imperial and inconceivable procrastination habits to boot. So I threw that idea out of the window rather quickly.

Yesterday, however, I persuaded myself to give the proposition another glance. Sure, I could just spew immature jokes left and right and hope individuals don’t begin to get queasy at my lower-end graphics, but the whole laziness bit held me off a tad. I had then a sudden epiphany. What if I only reviewed mods once a month? I was golden.

So, without further interruptions, I bring to you Mods of the Month with Pellinore, a terrifyingly biased and grammatically incorrect review article whatsit where I give my (sometimes) honest thought on the current “Files of the Month”.

Prepared to be offended? Dandy. Let’s get on to it.


V) Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB (94 votes)

ENBs aren’t exactly my kind of yarn, to be honest. I at the moment have one, but I always found installing them and the serious fps drop that follows to be somewhat tedious (or at least for me, anyway). However, after seeing the results of Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence-Man, I think I might just give it another go sometime in the near future.

Not only does this ENB preset make your game look dandier than a Stormcloak’s beard, but all the lightning and atmospheric effects really add that sense of immersion so many fellows here on the Nexus seem to crave.

I myself don’t care a bloody lot about immersion (despite having this and this), but I find this ENB looked rather top notch. Sure, my pc spontaneously combusted after playing for a good couple hours, destroying everything in my sleeping quarters in a fiery inferno. But that’s just to be expected with ENBs with this much pertness.

Would I risk installing it once again to relive those beautiful weather/lighting effects? Sure, I don’t really need my bedroom anyway. I’ll make sure to get a fire extinguisher this time, just in case.

Positives (+)
-A beautiful ENB which needs to be seen at least once.
-Ace details and effects give Skyrim just that much more immersion.
-The mist effects look bloody terrific.

Negatives (-)
-Had a very small fistful of bugs when I first gave it a go, but second time around (with a bit of tweaking), seemed to get the job done.
-FPS drop if using a lower end pc. And the small chance of your computer/laptop exploding. Just saying.

Endorse? From what I’ve seen, sure. Effects and weather are superb; give it a glance if you’re even mildly interested.

As I mentioned briefly above, the weather effects in this ENB look sodding terrific. However, is the large handful of weather effects here still not good enough for you, Fernando? Well, don’t you worry. I’ve got something that might tickle your fancy.

IV) Climates of Tamriel – Weather Patch (97 votes)


Well, it seems like another aesthetic, weather mod has stepped out of the darkness. What’s different between the two, you might wonder? Well, this here overhauls almost all the aspects of Skyrim weather, including rain, snow, mist, overcasts, chocolate rain, and almost every other type available.

It fixes some of the little issues as well, such as excessive amounts of brightness and blur from the original mod this patches. Go ahead, give the original a whirl. This mod requires that one, anyways. It’s quite dandy they patched up some of that superfluous brightness; the lighting would sometimes get so bright that you could barely see Lydia’s arse two feet away.


"Lydia? LYDIA?!"

I’m exaggerating, of course. The original Climates of Tamriel very rarely had that problem and now with the Weather Patch it’s almost nonexistent.

Another difference between the two, besides the arseload of new content that this mod adds? Well, both modifications have a sort of fog/mist effect, but I find that I enjoy NLA’s mist effect a bit more than COT-WP, but that’s just my opinion. Rant all you please; it’s just what I prefer.

Positives (+)
-Overhauls almost all weather effects entirely to ensure a more “realistic” weather experience.
-Certainly is a mood changer, especially while raining or when fog is present.
-Looks bloody gorgeous, especially when paired with an ENB.

Negatives (-)
-Light sources can be a bit intense at times, but isn’t anything too game-breaking.
-Can butcher your fps rate if you’re running a slower pc (such as myself).

Endorse? Extremely close, but the fps drop was a bit harsher than the above modification, surprisingly. Sorry, mate. No endorsement, but I highly recommend at least giving the Weather Patch a go.

Well, we have finally treaded out of the aesthetic waters known as ENBs and visual mods. What’s next, you wonder?

A skimpy armour mod, of course!

III) Scarlet Dawn Armor – CBBEv3 – UNP – 7B Cleavage BBP – CBPE (118 votes)


Jmenaru has always impressed me with the quality of xir mods, from the Demon Hunter Armor to my favorite bundle of weapons, xe’s always produced high quality designs and textures. Xe doesn’t disappoint here with number three on our list, the Scarlet Dawn “Armor”. I say “armor” with quotations for reasons which I’m more than sure you understand.

Besides the lack of practicality in the rough tundra known as Skyrim, the “armour” overall is very easy on the eyes and looks fantastic. So fantastic, in fact, that it makes the singular flaw in this “armour”’s design just that much more surprising. What flaw am I talking about, you ask?

The heels.


"By the nine, THE HEELS!"

As one particular user put it, “Stilettos in Skyrim doesn't seem to settle well with my brain.” And, hesitantly, I must agree with said user (splendid words of wisdom, Psykodelic1323). The thought of running headfirst into a tower full of bandits, bow raised, teeth barred, and then snapping your ankle before you could even fire a shot due to a poor footwear selection seems more ridiculous to me than a dancing dragon.

And that's pretty ridiculous.

Of course, I’m being highly hypocritical, since I believe anything can go in a game like Skyrim. However, I and more than a handful of other users would prefer a non-heel version of the Scarlet Dawn “Armor” if possible.

The decision of whether or not high heels belong in Tamriel is completely subjective. However, it is just my opinion.

Positives (+)
-Heavy detail/high definition textures.
-Overall unique design, very original.
-Available for quite a few different body types (CBBE, UNP, etc.)
-Available in quite a few colours, just in the cause you’re allergic to red (somehow).

Negatives (-)
-Not exactly the most practical garb I’ve ever seen.

Endorse? Close, but no cigar. Sorry, mate.

Despite some design choices and jmenaru’s rather harsh responses to some fellows wishing for a slight change in the apparel’s appearance, I have to say I’m overall impressed with the “armor” and hope you give it a view if you’re interested even in the slightest.

To be completely honest, I’m not surprised by jmenaru’s resistance to change. After all, it is xir’s mod, and xe can do whatever xe pleases. However, I would recommend only keeping with this tactic if the mod is completely flawless.

Is it perfect? No, not quite.

Nigh perfect? Yes, indeed it is.

II) Warmonger Armory (120 votes)


The first of the two armour packs this month surprised me by quite a bit. I took a glance over at the page around the time of birth and didn’t think much of the babby mod, to be completely honest. But it’s now larger and mature, and very impressive. From Nordic styled armour to armour more appropriate for the sneaks in all of us, this bundle of steel and cloth looks very impressive indeed. And its “lore-friendly”, as so many fellows here on the Nexus crave.

Still not convinced? Alright, then. Lemme think…

Did I mention you could sodding wear the dragon priests masks on your bum like some sort of grand trophy?


Now that's pretty ace.

If that didn't win you over, I don’t know what will.

Besides being “lore-friendly” and “practical”, it really blends into the province well and produces a very pleasant immersive feel. Not only that, but they’re spread out into the world as well, worn by those pesky bandits and warlocks who live beneath your house. Just in case for some odd reason you detest the very idea of crafting your own armour, this mod spawns them in the world for you.
Oh, and did I mention it includes weapons as well? Yeah, stuff that into your pipe and smoke it.

Positives (+)
-“Lore-Friendly” and immersive.
-Gear’s spread out across Skyrim, free for the taking if you can bash that bandit’s head hard enough in.
-At least one armour set for each type of character (be it a warrior, rogue, prostitute, etc.).

Negatives (-)
-Belt-Worn Dragon Priest masks tend to clip in some places on certain cuirasses from this mod (such as the Rogue Thief and Vigilant of Stendarr attire pieces), but it’s an easy fix.
-A few armour sets I feel are a bit plain and uninteresting (such as the Vigilant Tunic), but once again, that’s an easy fix. Simply choose a more detailed one.

Endorse? Indeed, Fernando.

Well, *censored*. I ran out of things to say. Moving on.

Now, it is time for the grandest mod of all! The Number One Mod of the Month, is…!

I) Omegared99 – Gallery of Armor (139 votes)


I came across Omegared99 – Gallery of Armor by Omegared99 around the same time I glanced over at Warmonger Armory (give or take a few weeks). Just by looking at this mod the first time, unlike Warmonger where I hesitated a tad, I knew it would hit the Files of the Month. Why?

Well, the first set from this collection of armour, Windhelm Steel, awed me by how damn fine it looked. When the second set, Savage Hunter, sprang up into existence, I endorsed the mod. When Solitude Infantry rolled into the scene? Voted for it immediately. Until I remembered I can’t endorse or vote for anything on this account, in which I sat there crestfallen, eating a bag of crisps.

What I’m saying is that I really do fancy this armour collection. More than Warmonger’s?

Yeah. I do.

Not only does every set as of today look appealing to the eye, but they’re all “practical”. Isn’t that swell? Or, at least I think it’s “practical”. A few individuals, not going to name anyone, think differently, saying the chest plates on the all the armours are “impractical” and “unrealistic” and “too bubbly for dis crib”.


Are they really "too bubbly for dis crib"?

I don’t mind breastplates myself, but if a bit of “bubbliness” drove you away from this marvelously made mod, don’t fret. The Riften Nightwatch flattens the female chest completely, taking away her femininity and pleasing those “immersion penguins” who crave it so.

But don’t worry, mate. Omegared99 – Gallery of Armor has something for every type of character out there. Except mages. Yeah, you wizards are on your own.

Positives (+)
-High detail, visually appealing, and overall very well done.
-Available for quite a few different body types (Vanilla, CBBE, UNP, UNPB, and Bodyslide 2.0).
-Blends into the Vanilla world quite well and appears to be “lore-friendly”.
-The Markarth Silverblood’s helmet makes you look like a golden ram.

Negatives (-)
-A slight inconsistency with the whole removal of a breastplate on the Nightwatch; stands out a tad.
-The entire gallery has not been completed yet (that’s not really a negative. That’s more me being impatient).
- The Markarth Silverblood’s helmet makes you look like a golden ram.

Endorse? Absolutely. Give it one as well, just to give Omegared99 some love.

Welp, that’s my time. I’m not too sure if I’ll even be able to produce the effort to continue this series in March, or if anyone will even read/enjoy my random, blubbering, hypocritical opinions.

Oh well. Fingers crossed.

If you enjoyed this to some certain extent, let me know down below in the comments. It makes me feel better about myself.

Have your own opinion(s) on this month’s top mods? Spew them all over the comment section like rancid cheese; I don’t mind.

If you enjoyed my biased review, you can contact ol’ Pellinore via message on either my forum profile or nexus one. Heck, even give me a holler on the Twitters if you feel dastardly enough. If you didn’t enjoy my biased review, you can contact ol’ Pellinore by screaming obscenities out your front window. Don’t worry, your neighbors don’t mind.

Thanks Confidence-Man, prod80, Aiyen, Saerileth, jmenaru, batmanna, and Omegared99 for your fabulous mods this month. Great job, mates.

Thanks Bethesda for creating possibly the greatest game ever. You all know it’s true.

Thanks, Blue-moosen. Whoever you are.

Thanks Alex DeLarge for being extremely ultraviolent.

And thanks to you, Fernando, for taking time out of your extremely chaotic schedule to take a glance at some poor sod’s opinions. Thanks a thousand, mate.

Edited by PellinoreWarthrop
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I lost it at "Are they really "too bubbly for dis crib"?.


Not bad, Pelly. Your segways seem a bit awkward at times but that's the only thing that really stood out for me.


I'm looking forward to the next "Mods of the Month with Pellinore". :smile:



I do indeed agree about the whole transition bit; I'm not exactly skilled in the craft. I'll make sure to work on it a tad.


Thanks a thousand for the reply, Kaiya.

Edited by PellinoreWarthrop
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