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Wasteland Nursery


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Wow, you're the first troll to ever make me chuckle.


Not that that means anything other than the obvious "I can laugh at a troll's sillyness sometimes", but really, I'd feel better knowing you're not going to download this mod if it ever comes to fruition. Heck, you're just looking for more negative karma, and that's easy enough to get without any sort of mod.

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  • 6 months later...

I have been looking for a mod like this one ever since i got fallout on my computer. Also i agree with Foxxieboy as its not strange, I mean there are much more perverted kinks in the world than this one, i think it's rather normal as far as unusual content on the internet is. Also I'm sure others would want this kind of mod even though they would probably never admit it.

But any way Foxxie good luck finding someone that will make this into a working mod. Though while I can't wait for this request to be fulfilled maybe you should request a separate mod with just diapers as a clothing addon :smile:

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Have you tried playing a child? There are several nice children race modifications out there that I've enjoyed playing over time. They miss not having parents. A Wasteland Nursery might be just the place for my kids to kick back with a Diet Nuka Cola and read some comic books. I see that you have a rather well developed idea for your modification and I hope that sombody picks it up for you.




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  • 1 year later...

Hmmm....since no one has replied to this thread in over a year I am going to assume this mod was never created?



You fool! You're careless thread necromancy has revived something best left buried :facepalm:

Edited by kibblesticks
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I don't know. I rather like the idea of this mod. I have a couple slaves I would love to put in diapers.

Not to mention it could be good for business. I'm sure the nursery would have a lot of laundry, think of all the Abraxo cleaner you could sell to this place.


I have certainly seen a lot stranger mods out there.

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If i knew how to make the models and such I would make this mod and have there be a vendor that would sell diapers to your character, as well as an addon to make the diaper model work with the children of the wastes, just because the character's dad was a doctor doesn't mean he had the time to potty train you. I would probably make the mod a lot more pg though but that's mainly because I go for the diapers thing more for cuteness than sexual stuff.
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