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How To remove Custom Race Armor please! xD


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its 9am now and i haven't slept xD someone be my hero haha pweeaaase

i am trying to remove willow armor...well pretty much any Custom Companion Mods i love the companion but hate what they are wearing. not kawaii !


Normally in Skyrim if u do undress or removeallitems and there is some armor left..u can change textures or mesh and it normally goes away

i haven't played with mods for falloutNV but now i really want to change they're armor..and even if i change textures and meshes only the skin changes.

i have tried editing .esp to remove inventory armor but if i do so i get Red exclamation points..

i have been trying to do this for 13 hours i am about to die on my chair...


in Tess Case i can remove her armor but she wont go naked yes i am pervy but that is not the point :3 she keeps this ugly underwear and it goes threw the armor i want to give her so i want a nude body on her so that it won't show up everywhere :blink: changed her mesh and texture for sweaty bow works good


Willow well its worst i can also changer her skin to sweaty..but i cannot remove her armor at all..if i do removeallitems only her hello kitty symbol goes away..

that vegas girl outfit is always on ,if ever i can get her to equip another one well....vegas armor mixes with it completely..


i can target any npc...undress and they go naked..at this point i should has well make a npc my companion =( or make my own ones but i love those followers so much and i couldnt do one anywhere near has good but! i need cute kawaii armors on eveerything!!!


Was easy to figure out on skyrim...but i have been watching many videos.. of GECK and no mather what i do only skin changes or nothing or huge red exclamation point with no more bodies.


i tried removing inventory items in GECK or try to delete the armor path all together..


how can i make completely naked so i can then give them any armor i want :blink: if my body and mesh worked then whyyy cant i remove those armors or underwears!! i am sure i need to modify the esp..but thats something i never did in skyrim.. is it the path? is it the race? ARG what not a single video shows how to modify mods esp


EDIT : Ok i had forgot to change TESS mesh and well that removed her ugly underwear and she is now in bow t3 sweaty body and goes completely naked so i can now give her any armor.


But willow no mather what i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her armor stays on

i Might lover her mod alot but i am doing a Kawaii Harem and she just will not fit and i will have to let her get eaten by ghouls is that what you guys want!?! Halp mee

Edited by Rachel2707
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In the console, type "Show inventory" it will show everything she is equipped with even if it doesn't appear in her inventory. Type "unequipitem XXXXXXXX" (The X's representing the number beside the item you want to unequip) for all the items that she's still equipped with.

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NO Willow is a special case ...you will get to change her armor when she allows you to don't force it. it's a dialog ... the longer you hang with her and help her get all her stuff back she will start to love you and when the time is right she will ahem let you remove her clothes and do other stuff

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NO Willow is a special case ...you will get to change her armor when she allows you to don't force it. it's a dialog ... the longer you hang with her and help her get all her stuff back she will start to love you and when the time is right she will ahem let you remove her clothes and do other stuff

It's a short term solution, besides, if unequipitem was a game/mod breaking command, I wouldn't have suggested it. But yes, you're right, it's better to just get Willow to that stage in the relationship so you(OP) wouldn't have to keep using the console since Willow is bound to re-equip those items anyways whether it be on fast-travel or on exiting the game, probably if you're loading too.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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