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Special Powers


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I'mm looking for a mod that will have the ability to, for example, give the player an aura (Flamer effect in some other color perhaps) and with that, certain powers. If you've seen Final Fantasy: Advent Children, im talking about something like the fight between CLoud and Sepheroth where he glows blue and starts slashing around. the powers would be triggered by an object in aid, for example about 4 options (Activate, Gain Power, Deactivate, Use Powers.) So your character could for example, leap across a battlefield and impact on the ground causing a shockwave, or flight, which uses little power. At the highest level, id like it where you could control the land, (Ex: Break the earth apart beneath your enemies feet, slow time, call friends to help you (Followers, and if possible, Call in AI who have friendly disposition to you (Sarah, Dad, Butch even, Lucas Simms, etc.) I know its complex, and id be willing to help, thanks:)
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