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FOMM now crashes, has always worked previous!


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My FOMM has always worked perfectly, but now crashes at start-up, with this dump:



Saturday, March 01, 2014 - 14:18:44


Fomm 0.13.21


OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1



SevenZip.SevenZipArchiveException: Invalid archive: open/read error! Is it encrypted and a wrong password was provided?

If your archive is an exotic one, it is possible that SevenZipSharp has no signature for its format and thus decided it is TAR by mistake.

at SevenZip.SevenZipBase.ThrowException(SevenZipBase handler, Exception[] e)

at SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.OpenArchive(IInStream archiveStream, ArchiveOpenCallback openCallback)

at SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.GetArchiveInfo(Boolean disposeStream)

at SevenZip.SevenZipExtractor.get_IsSolid()

at Fomm.PackageManager.Archive.LoadFileIndices()

at Fomm.PackageManager.Archive..ctor(String p_strPath)

at Fomm.PackageManager.fomod..ctor(String path, Boolean p_booUseCache)

at Fomm.PackageManager.Upgrade.UpgradeScanner.Scan()

at Fomm.Program.Main(String[] args)


TIA for any help or ideas..:-)

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you have a corrupted mod sitting in the line of fire in the games data directory, it can be any file referenced By Fomm or it's plugins.


make a safe folder and move out all the plugins, textures, and mesh folders. launch Fomm with just the main maser file loading. now if fomm works , slowly add back in data to the main game folder. plugins always go last so start with the mesh folder first. falloutNV.esm and them.


each time fomm loads means you are clear and no corruption stopping items for Fomm at least is in there.


textures go next. this is 2 down of major scanning for fomm. see, if fomm all of a sudden will not load due to either of these folders, then you know where or at least where to start looking. IF it all loads, then do the plugins, 4 at a time.


each time you only have 1 out of 4 chances of a hit, a miss hit or corrupted item will cause Fomm and the posted message to appear.


from the log there , it appears as though you have a bad Fomod file sitting in there.



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Thank you Kitty-Ill proceed with your suggestions.


When you stated "main maser file" Im guessing you mean 'master' which is the falloutnv.esm ?


Ill try that in my trials..

thankx for lurking for me..:-)


EDIT-FOMM still crashes every time, even with just the master file. I tried what you suggested, crashes evry time, I did not go through the entire list one by one as you suggested.


The game itself runs fine, BOSS okay, NMM okay, NV Config okay, FNV Edit okay.

I deleted the last mod I installed, no difference. Reinstalled it and the game runs fine.

I deleted and reinstalled FOMM, to a different drive letter, but still FOMM is the only thing that crashes, the game and all the utils run fine.

Edited by zootofzoot
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ok there is an update overwrite available in my signature for fomm. download it, extract it and overwrite your fomm with it and see if it now runs.


(The Fomm Update Fix For the update template)



SevenZip.SevenZipArchiveException: Invalid archive: open/read error! I

understand what that say's?


there is an archive you recently installed it is grabbing that is corrupted, that's what it means.


so even if you get the update installed, you can't even run the program while there exists that bad archive.


it won't be in Fomms directory ,it will be where you told fomm to store it's fomod's at. that is where the bug is.

Edited by Purr4me
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Thankx again for your help, I do appreciate your efforts...



EDIT-FOUND IT! After reinstalling FOMM, and the update, this time it told me which .omod was bad-"project nevada 2_5-40040-2-5.fomod"..Closed that error window and it runs..:-).

But PROJECT NEVADA looks good ingame wise...

.so now Im getting nervous..Do I move that "corrupt" one out of the folder, d/l a new one..then reactivate it, or just leave it, or just over write it, or with a new file not reactivate it? ..Then what abut the PN updates, extra options, the MCM fix, and all those HUD gyrations..

Boy I remeber when life was simple..lol...

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no panic it's easy fix. ok, so , you need t ohave or to remain that fomod in that folder. for now it's fine , ok, on the desk top, creat a folder called work. Copy that fomod into the work folder. I am hoping you have 7z installed and tied into everything. Right click the fomod and extratc it. once it is all extracted. delete the fomod file.


go into the newly mad folder and it's sub folder. Find what looks like a "Data" folder. move that out to the dask top if there, oen it up. select all files in that and drag them back into the folder where they came from. WORK\ MOD folder name| *.* + any other things except a data folder.


back out to it's root 1 notch. if ther e are numerical numbers in the folder name? remove all numbers. right click that folder and Ultra compress it with 7z.


Now. back up the esm and esp presently in your games directory, back up your plugin.txt file or MO's files/ mod file lists etc..etc..


now reinstall that new 7z file with fomm. Fomm in turn will creat a Brand spanked new fomod for you.


BUT !, if there arescripts involved in the mod? the package manager has a small tiny overlooked little arrow on it's menu selection, that is a drop down, it has in it all the fomod tools you need including the script suctions to remake the fomod file by hand.

Just take it very slow and think it through, you will survive.


Building custom made installers for your own pu[poses / what you and you only prefer is now at hand, xml files the works, you deide how to build it.



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When you have finished all of these tasks. Now you can delete the original before using fom to reinstall the old one or move it out and fom will just replace it. you do need to fix the header of the fomod because it got corrupted. 7z will extract it in a flash.


This is Just an example of what you can do.

  • I take Enhanced weather and all it's container files in one folder.
  • I take all of Dynamic weathers data, plugins and text and put it into the same container
  • I take all of Project reality's stuff and put that into the same folder AND (Overwrite) Better stuff.

ok, now this folder I can rename to anything I want, as long as I remember what is in it. Knowing what I over wrote are my preferences as it was loading into the game structure and load order, so, copying the files I want in order of load structure, I build mt private army of mods the way I want them to be.


here we have a cross roads of installer structure and decisions about how it works. I have choices to make. I can just install it as a single assembly and no pick and choose or I can write an xml scripts with fancy not required junk to give me something to look at and not install some of it.


OR, I can create a custom fomod compressed bsa assembly and install that. But this example is the root of all ages that cause problems. Now. we have the right tools to do the right job and less headaches to deal with. that tool I have the utmost confidence in is Mod organizer. Wit hthat said, My choice becomes so simple , just a plain old zip file with all the goods wrapped up inside of it.


If I want to load a bunch of archives to save space, the choice is a one time deal, just install it and not decompress the bsa files.


If I want access to all the files them selves to swap out individually or change like textures and things. I choose to recompile all the bsa's and run the game that way. But, this means you need to be smart about what your going to do.


plan ahead. MO, give me an opportunity to instal l as many copies of one game/ RENAMED ! as I want.

How that works is profiling. many ways to think about the games structure. you have the required knowledge to do all of this. the structure of the game is the structure of the packages and the structure of the tools used on all.


I have made so many mods , different combinations of things from this and that using this method, I always have a single installer with all my mods in one package. If I want to change things? no problem, switch to Experimental profiles or create a new one.


The only draw back to all of this is..you better have a very BIG hard drive and resources to back it all up because the system or rig can kill it all. IT gets Inclusive,Dominates every thing you do, so much data.


so I install that new mod I made, Fomm makes backup of it because it asks me if I want to, IF you chose no? the file source will get deleted so I warn you now, always chose to make copies. all of these manages will in fact delete source files when you are done with them if you do not allow them to make copies. this Enhances the drawback syndrome.


If I want the details even deeper? that is where the tools for modding comes in. It just takes time to learn it all.


Edited by Purr4me
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ALL CLEAN! You help helped perfectly! GAME ON!


I appreciate your thoroughness and expertise!


Funny thing-the mods you made are for FALLOUT 3, which I have been playing ofr the last 3-4 monthes, I finished pretty much everything , Im up to BROKEN STEEL, about to go meet everyone at the Car Tunnell. Thats when I decided to take a break from it and move onto New Vegas. I spent 3-4 days getting NV up to snuff, modding, etc, and all was ready to go when I ran into this snag you helped me with.


I will be checking out your FO3 mods when I go back to that one.


Again gratitude for all your help!

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