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Fallen Legends


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:thanks: I didn't purposely spend another month on this. A lot of my time has been taken up by school work and the actual game. That and it didn't help that i ended up rewritting this part about seven different times till i was satisfied with it :whistling:
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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright kiddies. It's finally done. No more waiting an entire month for a few paragraphs. I present to you the final chapter in Fallen Legends BOA. Enjoy.


PART FIVE Aftermath

In a barren wasteland littered with the dead a boy laid in a pool of his own blood clutching a stump of what used to be his right arm. His left eye closed shut and the area around it caked in blood. Two figures stood above the boy looking down at him. They were demon lords. The boy remembered that they had appeared shortly after the angels did. But what happened after that was a mystery to him. The taller of the two spoke first. “Well well well. Looks like we’ve got ourselves a live one boss.” A sword of black flame materialized in his hand.” Lets fix that shall we?” The smaller one grabbed the his hand. “Easy now Koldar. Take a good look at the boy. He’s been imprinted by one of the memories.” Koldar raised one of his eyebrows. “Oh really? Well I suppose that changes things. So that’s two…. How many are left?” The smaller demon lord sighed. “I’m not sure… I didn’t get a good look at them before they all separated.”


The demon lord walked over to the terrified boy and crouched down next to him. “What is your name boy?” The boy shook with fear and pain. “Al…Alstread….. Leone.” The demon lord smiled at him. “Well met Alstread Leone. You’ve recently come into the possession of a very curious object. And I believe you have it clutched in your hand there.” Alstread opened his hand and on his palm rested a small light blue orb. His clenched his fist and glared at the demon lord. “I take it you want this?” The demon chuckled. “No. I actually want you to keep it and make sure no one takes it from you. You must keep that orb from falling into the wrong hands. If you must. Only give it to someone whom you would trust your life with.” Alstread took one more look at it. “What is it?” The demon thought for a moment. “Consider it…. A gift from the heavens. Hmm… Looks like your in need of another arm.” He reached over held onto Alstread’s right shoulder. “This might hurt a little.” Pain unlike anything he had ever felt shot through his shoulder and within seconds he blacked out.


A lone elf studied his surroundings. It was a scene that he had long become familiar with. Bodies covering the ground. Blood painting the ground red. The air thick with the smell of blood and death. It felt almost like home to him. It wasn’t long till he came across Alstread. The elf crossed his arms and sighed. “Damn kid. You’re a lot tougher than you look.”


Three weeks later.


At the capital of the Holy Rose empire a trial was taking place within the council chambers regarding the events at Alsgrad. The judge looked down at the accused, eye’s full of disgust. “You were once a cherished member of this church. A priest even. And yet here you stand. Spitting on the very laws that it was founded on. Your crimes are as numerous as they are horrific. Assault against servants of the church, The murder of an archbishop, The aiding of a heathen race, And the destruction of holy relics given to us by God’s own servants. And even defiling your own body in ways that show demonic intent. “ The judge paused for a moment and studied the accused. Three things stood out about this boy in front of him which were not there a few weeks ago. First of all was despite his young age his hair had turned completely white. Second was his left eye. The area around it seemed to have been burned while the eye itself had turn a pale blue color. A stark contrast to his right eye which was dark brown. And thirdly. The flesh on his right arm had changed crimson red and was covered in black demonic symbols. “Now I am willing to be lenient with you. However you must tell us everything you know about what happened at Alsgrad Brother Alstread.” Alstread looked down at the floor and clenched his fist. He was growing tired of repeating himself. “How many times do I have to tell you people?” He growled. “I DON’T REMEMBER!!!!” The judge let out a low sigh. “Very well then. If you will not cooperate then I don’t see the point in wasting our time here. Guards. Take Brother Alstread back to his cell.”



Later that day another soldier was brought in for questioning. His name was Sir Roderick Vancer. He had been sent out as part of an investigation unit that was sent to examine the remains of Alsgrad. But according to Roderick the unit was wiped out before they even left the Homeland by an unknown assailant. His cell sat across from the one Alstread was in. Alstread was glad for the company however the news he received shortly after all but eliminated that bit of happiness. In two days he was to be executed for high treason against the Empire for withholding valuable information. He sat in silence for the next till Roderick spoke up. “Hey ….. Do you want to die?” Alstread looked over at Roderick. “Of course not. Well….. Not for this. Not because I forgot something.” Roderick moved closer to the bars and lowed his voice. “Then I’ll help you get out of here. I know someone locked up here that’ll be able to get you outta here and keep you safe. They‘re letting me out here in a little while. Once I do I‘ll go free that prisoner and you‘ll be outta here in not time flat.” Alstread knew this was too good to be true. “And I assume you’ll want something in return?” Roderick chuckled. “You’re pretty sharp kid. Yeah. I want something. Information. The other men that were with me weren’t just squad mates… They were my brothers. And I wanna know why they died. That thing that attacked us was asking them about some sort of relic under the castle. I wanna find out where it is and what’s so damn important about it. Maybe even destroy the damn thing if I have to” Alstread thought for a moment. He was about to betray the church. Something that a few weeks ago was unthinkable. But at this point in time. The church and the empire could burn for al he cared. “Alright….. Here’s what I know.”


A few hours later the guards came in and let Roderick out of his cell. “We’re sorry for the delay Sir Vancer. We’ve received word from the investigation team that was sent out. Your reports were correct. Your free to go.” Roderick smiled. “Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to and I’d rather not be any later than I already am.” Alstread watched as him and the guards walked away. He then sat down in the back of his cell and did the only thing he could do. Wait and pray. He didn’t have to long however. He soon heard the sounds of fighting from down the hall. His heart began to race. His entire life the church and the empire had meant everything to him. And yet here he was moments away from turning his back on all of it. As the fight drew closer part of him wished it would go further away. He wasn’t ready to run away. He still believed that it was all a misunderstanding. That the church wasn’t really going to execute him. Suddenly the sounds of fighting stopped. Footsteps echoed throughout the otherwise silent cellblock. A cloaked figure holding the keys to the cells stood in front of his cell door. The figure unlocked the door and flung it open and started towards Alstread. Alstread unconsciously moved back away from the figure until it lowed it’s hood. Alstread stared at the person in disbelief. His eyes locked with the emerald greens eyes of his savior.


“Kara?” She stared back at him for awhile then sighed. “You’ve gotten yourself into a pretty big mess this time Al.” She stepped out of the cell. “I’m leaving this place Al. I know how important the church is to you. So you’ve got tow choices. You can either stay here if you’d rather die than turn away from it. “ She faced him and held out her hand. “Or you can come with me if you want to live.” Alstread looked down at his feet. “I’m scared Kara.” “So am I Al.” He stared at his feet and sighed. “You wouldn’t let me stay here even if I wanted to would you?” Kara smiled softly. “No… I’d take you with me even if I had to drag you kicking and screaming.” Alstread chuckled. “Your not really giving me much of a choice here.” Kara grinned. “When have I ever? Now come on.”Alstread walked out of the cell and she reached over and picked up an axe that she had laid against the wall. “Alright Al. I want you on my ass at all times you got me?” Alstread’s face turned a shade of red. “Uhhh…” Kara scoffed. “Just stay close behind me alright?” She then took of running down the hall with Alstread following close behind.

A scout bowed before the Emperor of the Holy Rose empire. “My lord. We have returned from our mission. I have been told that our emissary has already informed you of our findings.” The Emperor spoke in a grave tone. “Indeed he did. And the families of the deceased have been notified.” He looked over at one of his guards. “You there. Fetch Sir Roderick Vance. I’m sure he would like to pay his respects now. “The scout looked up at the emperor with a puzzled look on his face. “My lord? Did you say Sir Roderick?” The emperor looked at the scout. “Yes I did… Is there a problem?” The scout stuttered for a moment. “Well…. My lord… Sir Roderick is dead. We have his body just outside.” The Emperor looked at the scout with a dumbfounded look on his face until a bishop busted into the throne room. “My lord! Forgive my intrusion but we may have a problem.” The Emperor closed his eyes and sighed. “Allow me to guess… Sir Roderick is among the dead?” The bishop was shocked. “What?… But I just spoke with him moments ago…. But no that’s not it Sir… The survivor from Alsgrad. Alstread Leone… He is missing from his cell and all the guards in the prison cell are dead.” The Emperor opened his eyes and growled. “Alert the guards…. I want this city locked down.”


Roderick Vancer stood in front of a now open hidden passageway. “You did good kid. This was easier than I thought it would be. Seconds later his entire body began to change. His hair grew longer and turned a jet black color and sis eyes and skin turned a dark shade of red. He reached up and touched a device near his ear with his fingers. “This is Davik….Sorry for the delay. I’m beginning my search for the weapon now.” He looked down at the two dead guards near his feet. “Nope… No problems. Though I got a feeling that getting out’ll be harder than getting in…. Understood sir.” He walked through the passage way which led to a large staircase. He was walking down it for what seemed to be an hour before he reached a large iron door that was bolted shut. He reached for his belt and pulled out an odd weapon. It was shaped much like the flintlock pistols of the eastern empire. He aimed it towards the door and pulled the trigger. A large hole was blown out of the door and the room was filled with the smell of burning metal. He walked through the hole and in the center of the room he saw an alter. When he walked up to it he gaped at it in disbelief. He pressed his fingers against the device near his ear and sighed. “Okay… You absolutely sure this is the right place?” He let out a loud sigh. “Well then would you mind explaining to me why THE HELL I‘M LOOKING AT LITTLE GIRL???!!!!!” On the alter in front of him lay a raven haired girl in a deep slumber. She had been in that state for thousands of years. She was once considered a great saint. The people nearly worshipped her. But as time went on the people began to pray to her less and less until they eventually forgot all about her. She then faded into myth and became nothing more than a story…. Nothing more than a Fallen Legend.


(lol now how much would that suck if the story actually ended there? Well not to worry people. The game "Should" explain....Some of what happened in this lol. That and i've got something else in the works for the FL series. Though that might just raise some more questions.... Anyways. Thanks for reading this and for your support.)

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:thanks: I swear i didn't mean for it to take me this long to write. I've just been either really busy with something else or just really lazy. Hopefully the next thing i write won't take me half a freaking year to finish :wallbash:.
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