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Everything posted by species5478

  1. A new semester is beginning... I start classes Monday! EEEKKK!
  2. You're among my favorite writers. I LOVE the fact, that after two semesters and summer classes, you're continuing to supply great works of fiction. I've read a piece of your newest work, and it made my toes tingle! :) Don't worry, I'll give you some feedback when you least expect it...
  3. One of these days, where going to have to shoot some stuff up!
  4. Hiya! How ya been? I haven't been here for a while, because I've been writing a novel! The manuscript is almost done, too... Pat me on the back!
  5. Well... now that I have time, I've been playing ArmA 2 and wow!!!

    LOVE IT! Can't wait for part three...

  6. Legendary? Gosh... (Blush) I would have settled for epic. Pens against swords! Fight!
  7. I'm back! For now, anyway...
    1. Deleted54170User


      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz species5478. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

    2. Deleted54170User


      Peeking; then ducking

      Peek n Duck

    3. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  8. You wouldn't really stab me, would you?
  9. SO... Colorado Pinyon ( Pinus edulis ) ? It looks nice... and like it'll survive the winter...
  10. I need your expertise... both of my trees died in my front yard so what kind of tree is good for my arid environment? By dusk, the sun is beaming through my front window and I need a tree to help diffuse the heat. Oh and yeah...

    I've been dodging fires, a few floods, border bandits... you know. The usual !!

  11. Sup booger! Tag, you're it!
  12. Hi! Sorry for the late response... I stopped by my house long enough to drop all my college stuff off. I been off-roading with a team of friends. Twelves of us! Sooo much fun writing around a campfire...
  13. I just pre-ordered my version of Skyrim! And yes, I got the book, too...I still have my oblivion book. I love how big it is, it's like an encyclopedia or something...
  14. That's a delicious recipe! The ingredients along smell nice...I'm actually starting to get good at cooking!
  15. I've been burning up! My house A/C actually...and it's like 5,000 for a new one. My portable is good for now though, but it's been brutal lately...and my tree died! It got too cold over the winter, and it died... :(
  16. I've found, that with a current update from ATI, I'm now able to play both of my Fallouts without that annoying microstuttering...with my AA at 4x4, everything runs like a fat kid sliding on butter...just saying.
  17. Your book selection does indeed sound intriguing...I'm an avid fan a horror, scifi, fantasy, romance, and adventure books. But those fires are far from Phoenix, so no worries. But they did a number on the land out there....lots of people lost homes and property. This is the biggest fire ever, too.
  18. OOOohohhohooooo....well...I've only been to Rocky Point, with is south of Phoenix. I've been spending a LOT of time on the beach because let's face it...out here in the desert, water is the most valuable commodity!
  19. Hi sweety. Know of any good books to read?
  20. College out...summer's here. Been to the beach in Rocky Point, but I'm back home now. Sup?
  21. Summer vacation! Woo hoo!!!!
  22. My fav writer...pen to paper?
  23. Sup B? Where ya been?
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