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North Korean forces led by General Kyong take control of the Lingshan Islands. A group of American civilians led by Dr. Rosenthal send out a distress call indicating that they discovered something that could change the world. Raptor Team, a U.S. Army Special Forces unit are sent to evacuate the civilians on the island.



We are part of U.S. Army Special Forces and our mission is to evacuate all civilians on the island and find out what the hell is going on over there. We have one thing those guys don't, Nano suitshttp://image60.webshots.com/460/8/25/15/2680825150098563662ElECZC_ph.jpg. Nano suits has 4 modes: Strength: It gives us ability to perform super human ability tasks. However, when taking advantage of strength mode massive amounts of suit energy is used up. Speed It gives us ability to be faster, although we will have almost no protection when using it. Armor Probobly the most we are going to use, it gives us ability to take more bullets then a regular soldier dreamed of. Cloak Dream of any soldier to become complitly invisible, but this mode isn't that awesome. Enemy will still be able to see you if you are close to them.

Other abilitys:

Body and external temperature control



Gravity boots

Nanosuit Defibrillator.

night vision



Right now we are flying at the VTOL 40 miles from the islands and should be there soonhttp://www.incrysis.com/wiki/images/d/df/Vtol.jpg


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First name: Anton

last name: Corner

nickname: White Dog

weapon: SCAR with assault scope and laser pointer. http://www.incrysis.com/wiki/images/thumb/d/d2/Scar.jpg/800px-Scar.jpg

sidearm: auer 1980 SOCOM Pistol

bio: Served at British SAS later joined Delta Force, but has the SAS insignia tattooed on the back of his head.

rank Major, Leader of the team

skills Assault rifles, leadership, grenades

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First name: Angelica

last name: Young

nickname: Melon

weapon: choke thread, .22 PPF, reinforce gloves underneath the suit, C4 and other explovises

rank: 2nd Lt.

skills: hand to hand, Cloak, pistols, explosives





From her days as a actress, model, waitress, etc. (and that Dagger from Marvel Universe)


Take a guess where she got the nickname. (XD)

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First name:Jon

last name:Berber


weapon: M468 w/ Hand grip, Light, and laser

Sidearm: Desert Eagle .44

rank:Command Seargant Major

skills:Close Quarters Combat Specialist, Assault Rifles, and First Aid

Bio:Served as force recon with the marines, offered a job with a new special forces team

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First Name: Aaron

Last Name: Gates

Knickname: Bagel

Weapon: black brushed, no luster silenced McMillan Tac-50 sniper rifle

Sidearm: black brushed, no luster silenced Desert Eagle

Rank: Captain

Skills: Scouting, Camaflouge, Sniper Rifles, Pistols

Bio: Gates was born in a small town in the Midwestern states and from an early age was a good shot with a rifle, so when he joined the special forces he was a natural pick for the elite soldiers known as pathfinders trained in observation, camaflouge, and marksmanship.

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Bagel grabs a chute and coolly walks to the door then puts one foot out the door "Coming?" he says then freefalls into space, his rifle and own deagle already locked and loaded.
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Anton jumps but haves trouble opening parachute, he lands 3 miles off the place that they were supposed to do, He says on the radio: This is White Dog, i am 4 milles off course, I will get to our location in 13 minutes. Anton runs toward the location,
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