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Does anyone think there's a way to show your fps by using the cons

Aka Anomaly

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I've been looking around trying to find what console command there might be that will be able to show your frames per second. I know there are a couple of mods that deal with this issue but I don't want to go through all the hassle when there should be a console command for it. Any suggestions?
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I've been looking around trying to find what console command there might be that will be able to show your frames per second. I know there are a couple of mods that deal with this issue but I don't want to go through all the hassle when there should be a console command for it. Any suggestions?


SetDebugText 12


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you can try FRAPS, it is a tool for making photos and movies straight out of you game, if i'm right, you can download it at : www.fraps.com

it allows you to see framerates per second optionally.

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But the thing is I don't want to download Fraps. I've heard of it but I don't think I should download an entire new program when I could just type in one command in the console.


It's well worth having, it not only shows your FPS it can also record gameplay and take screenshots. It's handy for taking several shots quickly without that message the game puts on screen when a shot is taken.

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It didn't work.


The GECK wiki suggests it should work, although it appears you are correct.

(Also note that SetDebugText parameter should've been "2" instead of "12", seems to have changed since TES4)


Even TweakGuides suggests FRAPS as an alternative, so I guess they've got you by the balls.

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tdt and toggledebugtext both *should* work, I have never tried the other. But the problem is that even if the debug text will be displayed, you are not seeing anything becasue it is offscreen. At least thats what I think. I have not yet figured out, how to position the debug text so I can see it, but these lines in the fallout3.ini should be responsible:



Maybe somebody else figured this out. Seems to be related to non-widescreen resolutions

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Tested at both 4:3 and 16:10. DarNified UI's xPanels behave correctly in both cases (using very similar offsets), even when altering FOV, so don't see why debug text wouldn't. Also, the default offsets in TES4 differ only very slightly.


From GECK wiki:

Many console commands are disabled in the optimized, retail version of the game. They are included here for posterity, and in case those commands are exposed to end-users in future builds.


Could it be ?!?

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If you enter "tdt" (without quotes) will you get a message "Debug text on" or something like that? I am using Darn myself, the Panels are beeing displayed correctly, still the console was shifted way to the left before adjusting the ini and it seems the debug text is somewhere completely else. If youre not getting any message after tdt than the problem is somewhere else, if youre getting a message, you have the same problem as I do.

I didnt have to change anything in the ini for tes4 and the console and debug text are both beeing displayed correctly so we cant compare the FO3 setting to TES4.

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