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New to PC gaming. Im looking for suggestions on mods to make the game


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Like I used to love playing on Very Hard on the console version. But my biggest gripe was it just gave everyone more HP and made you do less damage and take more.


So im looking for mods that I can play on Hard mode atleast, but don't change the HP of the enemies or how much damage I do. Like I want mods that both me and the enemy do tons of damage to each other, but still can drop each other in like 3-4 bullets. Or even one shot kills to the head. I know I might die a lot, but I still want something like this.


And mods that make it harder to survive ni the waste. Like are there any mods that kind of make the game somewhat like DayZ? Where you have to use bandages to stop bleeding, or to make blood packs actually useful? Or if you get a crippled limb you can't just heal it, you have to find a crutch or brace or something and hobble back to a doctor?


I know there might be, but I haven't really been able to find what I am exactly looking for, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Have you heard of Fallout Wanderers Edition? It adds almost everything you wanted.

You can adjust the damage, amount of player HP, radiation accumulation, carry weight, need medical braces to heal limbs, need to eat, drink, sleep...there is really too much to type.

The best thing is, it is all fully customisable, so if you don't like some of the changes, you can put them back to original settings.

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Fallout Wanderer's Edition is a compilation of the best hardcore mods, but not only that, also is a compilation of a large amounts of new armor, weapons and items, it works like a charm with Mart's Mutant Mod, Fellout and NMC's texture pack among others...


But if you have been playing in consoles, maybe all of this sounds as a mountain of new information to you, so, to a time modding I hardly recommend the Gopher's video series, here:




It will guide you step by step to mod from scratch in each video with incredible detail. His two firsts mods are FWE and MMM, the two about you are asking.


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