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Instant waiting?


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If I'm trying to wait 48 hours for a merchant's inventory to restock, I have to sit there and wait patiently for about thirty seconds while the wait timer counts down, one hour at a time. Then I have to do it all over again.


This is really annoying. Keep in mind, the whole reason the wait feature exists is so that you don't have to tediously wait for something to happen, so why not go the full hundred yards?


Can somebody make a mod where waiting is instant, limiting only by processing abilities? Regardless of whether it's one hour or all 24, it would always take the exact same amount of real time.


Any takers?

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IF you find no suitable mod...when yo open console, enter TFC to change to free camera mode and press the wait key now, the waiting time will pass instantly. Of course it takes a few more clicks but it's still faster than waiting each single hour to pass.

Edited by ghosu
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