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Separate Inventory for equipped and favorite items?


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Has anyone ever made a mod that protects or separates you favorite and equipped items into a special inventory or something similar that prevents it from being sold? I have been searching google and the nexus mod library and I haven't found anything like this. I think it would be a cool mod and everyone would like it but would require way more knowledge of skyrim modding than I posses. Would anyone be interested in looking at what would be needed to make a mod like this?

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You cannot separate your favorite and equipped items into a separate inventory. Those MUST be on your person in order to be displayed in the favorites list and equipped.


What you can do is use SkyUI. Personally I don't like the layout and the extra hot keys, but what it does do is identifies which items in your inventory are in your favorites list as well as which items are equipped. All you would need do is pay attention to the symbols.

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