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Thrilling Theorem


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Has anyone ever told you "You're short"?. Allow me to enlighten you with my new theory, and then you'll be able to prove them wrong easily. First things first. In a technical sense of the word (at least how it's usually used), "short" means having a small height relative to that of whoever (or whatever) you're being compared to. Now as I hope you know, the conjunction "you're" is an abbreviation of the words "you are". So the sentence "You're short", is really saying "You are short". This is technically an illogical statement. How can someone be short? Short is not something, but rather the lack of something. (the lack of "tallness", if you will") So if someone walks up to you and says "You're short.", it doesn't actually make sense, because according to what they're saying in that sentence, they're trying to say that you have a body height that is comparatively small, but they are actually saying that your body does not exist. Someone cannot actually be short.


Ain't I brilliant? :biggrin:

Post here and tell me if you agree with my theory. (or if you think it's a bunch of worthless nonsense.)


There's actually no way of giving a numerical measurement of how short someone is. Think about for a short time and you'll understand.

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Speaking as someone who is, ahem, underaverage hight I would just like to say that is utter genius. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to remember all that if someone says I'm short.
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during the zombie invasion, short people be able to hide better, but us tall people will sacrifice you

But you won't be able to reach us from way up there in the sky, and we will rebel and headbut your kneecaps.

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Sorry to be annoying (I have a habit of it) but that doesn't actually work. It's an adjective. Like calling a leaf green. The leaf can't physically be green, you're describing it's properties. That's how adjectives work.



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Wasder is right on that account, will later alter the theorem. But that doesn't necesarrily disprove the theorem. In fact, it could potentially help, because it could be interpreted as another reason why the sentence "You are short." is technically incorrect. Chances are though, if you use my theorem to counter being called short, most people won't counter it again with the adjective thing.
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during the zombie invasion, short people be able to hide better, but us tall people will sacrifice you

Someone mentioned zombies?

*Readies Magnum*

Yeah us short people (I consider myself short as I am one of the smallest people out of all my friends) will be able to hide in better places.

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