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ANY WAY!, i have been the shortest kid in my grade and under untill 3 years ago. because my DOC. figured out i had igf1 defficiency. Now i take a shot everyday AND GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: ) :thumbsup:

why what? no understand? no comprehend? why not!

tall people are good fo rmartial arts

because i am tall, i can kick most people in the head


Well you know what, i consiter myself short, I am only 5"7 and I can kick my 6"6 friend in the head with a roundhouse and a sambo so :P

its easyer for me

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The 5 foot 3 me says. Laugh while you still can tall people. Soon the verticaly challenged shall rise up and take over! We shall make the tall kneel at out feet and beg for mercy! And because of the years of torment we have suffered at the hands of the tall. We shall give them none! THE SHORT SHALL RULE OVER THE TALL! WE WILL HAVE OUR VENGANCE!!!!!!



The realist me who often plots to kill the 5 foot 3 me says. Who cares? Height's like skin color. It really doesn't matter. Sure there are some advantages to being tall. But there's are some to being short too. There really isn't a point in debating which is better cause neither of them is the best. Heck you can't have one without the other. And it would be pretty boring if everyone was the same height. And when you think about it. Making fun of someone because of their height is pretty much the same as making fun of someone because of any other physical traits that they have no control over.

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I am about 6ft but more of my friends are shorter then me and I actually have more respect for them then quite a few taller people, maybe their hieght (those who are taller) makes them seem ridcullous in fact I feel safer with short people probably because their fists are at the perfect hieght to get really irritating tall people who we all do not like (right in the family jewels hehe).
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its easyer for me


Don't tell me that you've kicked people in the head numerous times?



The 5 foot 3 me says. Laugh while you still can tall people. Soon the verticaly challenged shall rise up and take over! We shall make the tall kneel at out feet and beg for mercy! And because of the years of torment we have suffered at the hands of the tall. We shall give them none! THE SHORT SHALL RULE OVER THE TALL! WE WILL HAVE OUR VENGANCE!!!!!!



The realist me who often plots to kill the 5 foot 3 me says. Who cares? Height's like skin color. It really doesn't matter. Sure there are some advantages to being tall. But there's are some to being short too. There really isn't a point in debating which is better cause neither of them is the best. Heck you can't have one without the other. And it would be pretty boring if everyone was the same height. And when you think about it. Making fun of someone because of their height is pretty much the same as making fun of someone because of any other physical traits that they have no control over.

but your too small, we can just put a hand on your head and you'll never reach us

and kicking you down there is as easy as walking



@facebag: shorter people are picked off by preditors easier

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@facebag: shorter people are picked off by preditors easier


Actually, not all the time. It has been proven that if in a herd, an animal with a distinguishing feature is always picked off first. So if all your friends are short and you are tall, you'll be picked off first!

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@facebag: shorter people are picked off by preditors easier


Actually, not all the time. It has been proven that if in a herd, an animal with a distinguishing feature is always picked off first. So if all your friends are short and you are tall, you'll be picked off first!


Now that is making me worried! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!

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but your too small, we can just put a hand on your head and you'll never reach us

and kicking you down there is as easy as walking


You might wanna run Calli, you know Josh, he will go nuts at this XD

He is vengeful lol

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