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Better Cities ICMarketplace


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Ok, so to start off, I've played with Better Cities before, and it worked perfectly. I took a hiatus from Oblivion, and can't honestly remember if I've added or changed anything in between. All I know is that now, whenever I go to the IC Marketplace, I have a ton of ruts along the outermost streets, and NPC's fall in and can't get out. All of the stairs and doors are also placed too high up to get to without jumping. I'm able to get to everything, but it's still annoying watching townspeople bumble around. There are also quite a few floating crates, barrels, and misc objects free-floating too.









I've never had this issue before, and I have no idea what might be causing it. All of the other parts of the IC are fine, as well as all other towns. I could just use the construction set and drop things down and fix the landscape, but it will be a hassle nonetheless.


Here's a list of the mods I have - the three black lines are things that aren't active.



I also tried deactivating everything, and doing the load order over so Better Cities and all of its parts are near the end, but it didn't work.


Has anyone else seen this problem or have any suggestions?

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