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Crash when exiting Rivet City


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Every time I exit Rivet City, the game crashes. I have no idea what's wrong, and why it's happening. It started recently, right after I attended to the "wedding". The rest of the game worked fine, but now it won't work.


Here is my load order, if this helps:

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Project Beauty patch for Broken Steel.esm
Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp
Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp
Item Descriptions Img.esp
Pulse Grenade (classic sound).esp
Refurbish [BS].esp
no armor magic effects.esp
Unique Dogmeat.esp
Clothed Sarah Lyons.esp
Project Beauty.esp
Alien Recycler Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
MMM Raiders redesigned.esp
EVE Beta_0.9.2.esp
I'll Touch What I Want.esp
Slower Levelling - very slow.esp
Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp
MMM Fix.esp
Megaton Closes.esp
CG Message Box Remover.esp
Refurbish [MZ].esp
Real Time F3.esp
no blur on hit.esp
BigPaw's Better Cannibals v1.2.esp

Total active plugins: 67
Total plugins: 67

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I note you are using the Refurbish [MZ] and Refurbish [bS]. I have those and a similar problem started for me after I added them.


Lets see if your problem is the same as mine:


1. Open the console and type "coc metrocenter08" (without quotes). This should put you at the far end of Anacostia Crossing Station.

2. Exit the station, Immediately open you pipboy and fast travel back to Rivet City.

3. Assuming the game does not crash, enter Rivet City.

4. Turn Around and Exit.


If you get to #4 and it doesn't crash until you exit Rivet City, you have the same problem I have. Unfortunately, no, just turning off the Refurbish plugins doesn't seem to work, I've tried, though I did not leave the area and wait three or so days to allow the game to reset the zone...

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I note you are using the Refurbish [MZ] and Refurbish [bS]. I have those and a similar problem started for me after I added them.


Lets see if your problem is the same as mine:


1. Open the console and type "coc metrocenter08" (without quotes). This should put you at the far end of Anacostia Crossing Station.

2. Exit the station, Immediately open you pipboy and fast travel back to Rivet City.

3. Assuming the game does not crash, enter Rivet City.

4. Turn Around and Exit.


If you get to #4 and it doesn't crash until you exit Rivet City, you have the same problem I have. Unfortunately, no, just turning off the Refurbish plugins doesn't seem to work, I've tried, though I did not leave the area and wait three or so days to allow the game to reset the zone...

Thank you so much! I worked!

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I note you are using the Refurbish [MZ] and Refurbish [bS]. I have those and a similar problem started for me after I added them.


Lets see if your problem is the same as mine:


1. Open the console and type "coc metrocenter08" (without quotes). This should put you at the far end of Anacostia Crossing Station.

2. Exit the station, Immediately open you pipboy and fast travel back to Rivet City.

3. Assuming the game does not crash, enter Rivet City.

4. Turn Around and Exit.


If you get to #4 and it doesn't crash until you exit Rivet City, you have the same problem I have. Unfortunately, no, just turning off the Refurbish plugins doesn't seem to work, I've tried, though I did not leave the area and wait three or so days to allow the game to reset the zone...

Oh man, you're some kind of magician? This problem occured in my game yesterday but when exiting Rivet City. And today I found a week old solution here... Worked like a charm. :thanks:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, although this issue is resolved for this post, I'ld like to add a comment.

I experienced the same issue with FOOK2. Maybe it also uses this mod or a similar one, I don't know. However, I could not get around it using the above mentioned solution. I also had this when exiting other area's.


I could fix the issue though by adding a Merged Patch created with FO3Edit. Mayb useful for others...

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I had crashing too trying to leave Rivet City, and I have FOOK2 too. I tried the coc metrocenter08 and then fast travelled back to Rivet City, but the game crashes on entering rivet City and even crashes when I try to save before entering Rivet City!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Had the same problem while playing with FOOK2. The answer (for me) was to turn off the automatic save on travel in the options menu before I left the Rivet City interior, then turn it back on once outside.


I discovered this when I realized I was getting the same crash whenever I manually saved while standing on the bridge outside Rivet City.


I can only infer that there is some subtle corruption in that cell (presumably caused by FOOK2) which causes the game to crash when you try to save there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the same problem while playing with FOOK2. The answer (for me) was to turn off the automatic save on travel in the options menu before I left the Rivet City interior, then turn it back on once outside.


I discovered this when I realized I was getting the same crash whenever I manually saved while standing on the bridge outside Rivet City.


I can only infer that there is some subtle corruption in that cell (presumably caused by FOOK2) which causes the game to crash when you try to save there.


Thanks. That blasted autosavethingy was also my problem, for now. It's pretty annoying when playing a long game and then these things happen. :wacko:

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I'm having the same problem too with rivet city and FOOK2. I turn off autosave and am allowed to go into rivet city without crashing and leave it without crashing. But when I go anywhere else in the game (and purge the cell buffers). I crash when i try to manual save...I think this needs fixed.
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