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The same guy who made Reneers Crime overhaul for both Oblivion and Skyrim should probably consider this...


I just found the Oblivion version and that had the guard arrest NPC feature that I'm surprised the Skyrim version lacked.


I know NPC's don't often attack people 'cause the NPC AI didn't program many thieves and hostiles and such, so it makes sense that Bethesda didn't add an AI package to arrest NPC's.


But I still think this would be pretty neat little attention to detail type mod if anyone wants to have a go at making it.

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The same guy who made Reneers Crime overhaul for both Oblivion and Skyrim should probably consider this...


I just found the Oblivion version and that had the guard arrest NPC feature that I'm surprised the Skyrim version lacked.


I know NPC's don't often attack people 'cause the NPC AI didn't program many thieves and hostiles and such, so it makes sense that Bethesda didn't add an AI package to arrest NPC's.


But I still think this would be pretty neat little attention to detail type mod if anyone wants to have a go at making it.


I always wonder why not too. I mean, if we can get arrested for trespassing, why can't someone who pulls a knife on me instead of properly brawling? "The security in Whiterun is terrible. Shameful is what it is"

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The Prison of Despair Mod is your best bet :smile:


- http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23548/? -


From the mod's description, it only seems to allow the PLAYER to arrest NPC's, which is not quite what I'm looking for. According to Reneer himself, it seems that coding a guard to arrest a player proves rather difficult, as there is no 'crime gold' or any instance of an NPC with the ability to steal from others.


Makes me kind of miss Oblivion a little...

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  • 3 years later...

Yeah I'm looking for this too. people say it cant be done or obviously disregard the suggestion entirely and point towards a mod that is not the request acting as if they answered the question. Anyways I'd learn to make such a mod but not now.


Which mod is this for oblivion? I looked too for an oblivion mod of this. Thanks.

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All you would have to do is have the guard somehow "appear to detect" the crime (wouldnt mind if its slightly glitchy) and then have the guard somehow "subdue" that darn criminal, it could then enter a similar script as the imperials escorting one of their rebel prisoners, then escorting them to that current hold's prison. At the door they could just teleport the prisoner to the cell and turn him non hostile. Seems simple enough but I dont know how to do it, not yet at least.

Edited by jman298
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