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Unnecessary Violence??? Please Help!


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Hello, I am currently trying to get UV to work. I have installed everything and am up to the point where I need to set ihavereadtheinstructions to 1 in the ini. So I did that, saved my changes and went to load my game. My guy dies. I exit the game and go back to the ini file and appearently it DID NOT save my changes? The ihavereadtheinstructions was on 0 again. I have now retryed setting it to 1 and saving over 10 times. Help! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
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Extract fresh? Sorry I'm not a huge expert on computers.. :confused:



Oh I used notepad to open it though.. :mellow:


Or do you mean what archiver? If so then winrar.. :unsure:


Then when I click view file at the top I cant edit it or anything so idk..

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