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Spell transporting poison


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lately I´ve been trying to play an Alchemist. At 100 Alchemy and using the Existential Alchemy mod my poisons have become quite lethal.

Yet I still somehow feel not satisfied with this build. The reason? I still need to somehow physically strike my opponents to send the poison into their bloodstream!

Does anybody know if the following scheme cold work?

You start by casting the "Infuse" spell, which brings up a menu where you select the poison of choice. Then you switch to the "Poisonous Bolt", the actual Bad Boy. It has a base damage of 0, but inflicts all the selected Poison´s effects onto the victim!


Alternate ways of "charging" your Poisonous Bolt, that don´t require fiddling with a menu, could be applying the poison to a Dummy weapon.


If anybody would take it upon themselves to scratch together something like that, I would be really grateful!

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Hmm, I believe menu shouldn't be too hard to set up with SkyUI and SKSE, but I don't have much experience with those.


Simplest solution would be to create a forge recipe that uses a weapon and a poison to create weapon with specific additional enchantment that utilizes used poison, but that would require manually creating a weapon for every weapon-poison combination you want.

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