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Some newb problems

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I have modded oblivion for quite some time, but I have always done stupid stuff, like make new races based off of old ones, or put a sword in a room (Which I only recently learned how to do correctly), but now I am trying to add some creatures with an animunculi sphere mesh, which I could do easy, but I A) dont know how to apply textures and B) am having trouble with AI (I'm not all that good at it) and C) have to get meshes and textures from other sources. e.g. I can get a mesh from a mod I downloaded, but I can't acsess a vanilla mesh/texture


Note: I created this thread by request of IkeCoast

Second Note: mesh for dwemer sphere was picked up from Vorhuzduc's dwemer ruins mod.

Edited by thebestdamncourier
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I use Oblivion Mod Manager's BSA Browser to extract meshes and textures I want to use from the vanilla game BSA files.

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Are you trying to put a different texture on the sphere than it uses in it's original mod?


If a mod's resources are in BSA files you can still use OBMM's BSA Browser the same way.

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The sphere had no textures in the original mod? This is mostly unlikely.


And how do you try to apply textures to the sphere? Textures must be set in the nif file itself, not in the Construction Set.


We need a little more information about what you're trying to do, exactly, before we can start to help you. Could you please describe the procedure you're trying to apply a texture to the sphere? And are you SURE the sphere does not come with its own texture in the original mod?



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Sorry about being unspecific.

Note: I did know you couldn't apply textures with TESCS

What I am doing:

The mod I went to use was Vorhusducs dwemer ruins mod. So I did all the traveling and found the place and there were some missing mesh tags and a few of the dwemer spheres were non-textured, at which point the game crashed. The readme wasn't much help, so I decided to do some investigation with TESCS. So I went to create a new creature and when I uploaded the skeleton and toggled the model, there were still no textures. SO the next day I downloaded blender and uploaded the dwemer sphere mesh to it and then I drew at a blank because I didn't know how to apply textures. *genius*

So that's the slightly confusing story behind my first problem, sorry about not elaborating. I don't want the mod anymore, but like I said, it would be good to know how to do that. (apply textures in blender)

Sorry for the confusion.

Second Note: I should have specified what program I was using.

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This link should help out. As far as I've used blender, you do need a "material" set first, so make sure to follow that step in the guide :wink:





Also, you should be able to use NifSkope to set any textures, and actually you might need to have it anyway to make sure that the textures are in the right folder on the harddrive


P.S. I made sure this tutorial was for 2.49, which is the only version that I'm aware is working for Oblivion tailored nif export. If you're using a later blender version, you'll need a different tutorial

Edited by SoulReaver911
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