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OCOv2 and HGEC Body question


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Ok...still noobing it up over here in Modville. I have OCOv2 and HGEC Body both running. I absolutely love the facial mesh from OCOv2, but the facial textures and colors don't match with the body. I tried Natural Faces, which installed fine, but it is still off. I haven't tried to adjust anything...mostly because I have no idea how to. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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If you browse through the OCOv2 mod comments you'll see that it's a known issue, not just with OCOv2 but with Oblivion in general. Many talented people have tried, but none has succeeded in eliminating the problem. Best thing you can do for your own character is not touch (or maybe even think about touching) the tone slider. Ike recommends just using the age and geometry sliders. I know that when I edit NPCs faces tiny adjustments on either age or geometry can have big effects on the neckseam problem. Also note that the lighting in character generation isn't the same as once you exit the sewers, making it difficult to get that perfect face. Use a save from just prior to exiting the sewers, make small adjustments, exit and see how you did. Rinse and repeat until you're either satisfied or fed up.


The other alternative is to develop something Ike and I are quite good at ... selective vision. We only see the neckseam when we want to see the neckseam.

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Bretons are too excellent candidates in addition to nords.


By the way, do not use ANY OTHER face texture replacer with OCO. You will lose all the benefits from OCO if you obliterate Nuska's textures, as most likely you have noticed already after installing Natural Faces.


And Striker speaks the Truth: do not even THINK about touching any other slider than Age, Complexion and the geometry ones (you can change eyes and hairs, don't panic). The "Tone" button is sheer, untamed, primeval, pure EVIL. Compared with it, Mehrunes Dagon, Mannimarco and Mancar Camoran are, respectively, Flora, Fauna and Spring from The Sleeping Beauty. Oh, and the "Randomize" in the Face options should be listed under Weapons of Mass Destruction by ONU and Starfleet.



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