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So i was thinking, drop attacks. skyrim. ooooh.


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So i had an idea while flying around on my oh so sexy airship. Why doesn't this game have a drop attack? i was thinking something along the lines of Dark Souls. Simple enough on paper, probably difficult to put in game. I wouldn't know, as i don't mod myself. HOWEVER. if anyone thinks this is a plausible... thing, Please make it! I'd love to have my sky pirate be able to lunge from her ship and deal massive damage mid air. Or cleave a giant in half after diving from the sky.

Edited by tayban93
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So far it's not even possible to attack while jumping, as the switch to Havok animations in Skyrim prevents 2 animations from playing on the player character at once (or so I've been told...). If someone can figure out a way to overcome Havok's limitations and allow attacking while jumping, then this would likely be possible. Until then... not so much.

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