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you need gimp

LMAO...yep, that was "in detail"


Oh my...I had to stop laughing before I could type.


Here is the process of taking an item, giving it a new texture and making it a unique item in the game (e.g. not a texture replacer that changes all existing items)


How To Create New Re-Textured Items


If you are want detailed instructions on how to "paint" a texture....well, that is VERY specific to the tool you choose and you'd be better off looking at tutorial sites on how to use that particular tool of choice (Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, Paint.NET, etc.)



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you need gimp

LMAO...yep, that was "in detail"


Oh my...I had to stop laughing before I could type.


Here is the process of taking an item, giving it a new texture and making it a unique item in the game (e.g. not a texture replacer that changes all existing items)


How To Create New Re-Textured Items


If you are want detailed instructions on how to "paint" a texture....well, that is VERY specific to the tool you choose and you'd be better off looking at tutorial sites on how to use that particular tool of choice (Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, Paint.NET, etc.)



so im lazy... sue me

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