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Mass Effect: Female Heavy Armour


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@dgroman1: you really need to keep your mouth shut. you want to know how laffin and i got the armor? WE CONVERTED IT OURSELVES. djh hasn't given us anything. We both own mass effect and did it on our own. and it's up to djh if he wants to release it so calm down.


Chill out squire. I'm only doing this for the laughs.

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medal of honor is almost done, will post in a bit. idk if you guys could use. doing it mostly for myself but figured since i'm doing them might as well post 'em. anyone want one for themselves just post the pic from that site.


@dgroman1: thats even worse.


*EDIT* medal of honor isn't done. really came out bad. have to do the edges by hand, no other way. i'll post later today.

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@dgroman1: thats even worse.


Rebooting ...


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Cool armour! I can already see it in Fallout 3! Have you given the Armourtech Forums idea any thought?


Replacing a letter in a swearword with a * is not the done thing on this site. I suggest you also change the one in your sig line. Refrain from doing it or you will be removed.



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MA female armors always great, but their breast are too flat :sleep: .


I wondered when someone would say that. :rolleyes:


So, can you guy make those bigger, from AA to C or D cup :whistling: ? This is just my favor :D.


Sad. -_-






So any updates?

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