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So Who Wants To Join A Modding Team?


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Hello Nexus community members:


I am PIZZAGUY520, a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series, especially Skyrim. More than the games themselves, however, I love the creative community members who create amazing mods that improve the game that much more. I myself have some fun ideas for mods but unfortunately lack the talent to create them. Therefore I am calling all modders and texture artists to be a part of a team that creates quality mods for Skyrim. Thanks!




-I AM open to learning about the Creation Kit and helping with the mods, however I feel that I am best-suited for coming up with ideas for new quests, people, places, items or gameplay features.


-Some of my ideas are listed below:


'Dwemer Rising'-In which the Dragonborn stumbles across an ancient Dwemer ruin containing many secrets about the Dwarves' disappearance. The mod ultimately ends with the Dwemer returning and populating this new Dwarven ruin, which the Dragonborn can help upgrade and even have a cool player home in.


'The Second War'-Ever wonder why that when you finish the Stormcloak side of the Civil War questline, no one will shut up about how they'll eventually take the fight to the Thalmor? Yeah, I have to. Well, in this mod that is exactly what happens. It would add a Thalmor headquarters settlement, as well as several new Thalmor military camps and new Thalmor enemies. If you joined the Imperial side, the story will involve the Thalmor betraying the Empire.


'The Fighter's Guild'-In which the Fighter's Guild establishes a base in Skyrim and the player has two options: to either join the companions and drive the Fighter's Guild out of Skyrim, or join the Fighter's Guild and take control of the companions. Or, a third option would be to help achieve a peaceful solution, which would result in both the Fighter's Guild and Companions existing together as friends in Skyrim.


-Please let me know if you'd like to be a part of this team, or if you know someone who might. Also, if the team is assembled, I just want to make it clear that I don't have to be the only one in charge of ideas. If you're part of the team and have an idea, great, we'll make it happen. Or if you're a member here on the nexus forums and have a mod request, bring it to us and we'll see what we can do.


-Also, as a last note, I know the 3 ideas mentioned above are a little more on the complex side of mod-making, as they involve quests and new locations and people, so you will have to be a fairly skilled modder. But, I have ideas for smaller mods as well.

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