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Spell: Materialize Weapon


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It wouldn't be able to summon weapons from mods, but you could probably make one that can summon any vanilla weapon. You thinking they'd have a time limit? Would the weapons be kept when they're unequipped so you simply get a new weapon that you can store/sell? Would it include enchanted weapons? Would bows come with their respective ammo? Would staves be included?

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It wouldn't be able to summon weapons from mods, but you could probably make one that can summon any vanilla weapon. You thinking they'd have a time limit? Would the weapons be kept when they're unequipped so you simply get a new weapon that you can store/sell? Would it include enchanted weapons? Would bows come with their respective ammo? Would staves be included?

I would only expect vanilla skyrim weapons. I would like it to include unique weapons as well (Not that it relocates them, just duplicates them). No time limit. They would stay in your inventory. Includes enchanted weaponry and staves, but not arrows.


The name of the thread made me think it'd be about being able to pick a weapon, and summoning it with a bound weapon spell. Might be a good power to go with it at least.

That would be an interesting spell.

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