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Night Stalker.


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Oquilerdalin walks out of the tavern, refreshed, only to see a mortally wounded Dunmer boy lying on the ground, with Alenee kneeling over him. Oquilerdalin notices her pocket a small key, and asks, "What was that? We should find out what that key unlocks."
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<ooc: character's name is Alenee B'Elen, not Peregrine>


Turning in suprise, stands up and walks over to Oquilerdalin. Leaning in close, she replies quietly "I don't know what it is. But I'm sure we'd get better results if you could keep this quiet. Remember, we still don't know all the people here are as innocent as they'd like to appear." With that, she returnes her attention to the boy's wounds, carefully searching for any damage pattern distinctive to a specific form of weapon. Endless old memories over just as many years run through her head as she tries to recall anything like it.

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Ok Lets take it from the top eh people. The young dunmer boy has run itto the town mortally wounded. It pleads for help then drops to the ground dead. He drops a small key and 10 drakes. Peregine was the first PC on the scene and collected the gold and key. He also noticed something fallen out from the pocket of the dunmer. Lets take it ALL from there please. If all the PCs could met at the dunmer boys body we could get this RP working again  :D


<ooc Im sorry for interferring but as from now ALL PCs will be part of a group. This way it makes it alot easier for me and for others to no what is happening. Cheers guys your doing great :)>

OCC:Sorry, but if you read page two you´ll see I was the first pc to talk to the man, then I picked up the key and the gold. :huh:


Ty aproaches Alenee, and says noticing the boy´s wounds:

"Could it have been a Ogrim, or even a werewolf?"

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The note reads on it ......

Please help. My wife is dying. Send A healer. Something evil is lurking around me help.

It is signed by Betolious Pictar. The wounds in the boy are round like puncture wounds that are about the size of golfballs. There are three of them in his back, inches apart. He also has graze marks on his face and his left knee is dislocated.


<ooc Sorry Reaper my bad :( Um at the mo it doesn't matter who has the key but you are right so 10 drakes are given to you as well.>

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A familiar Breton cautiously limps toward the gathered crowd. He apparently is using a silver staff to aid in walking. Grasping the staff he finds a familiar face, Alenee B'Elen.


Clearly his appearance is grim, battered and scarred. Dried blood surrounds a rather nasty gash over his right eye where the scab hasn't fully covered the wound.


Nearly out of breath he manages to squeak out a question, "what has happened here, it looks like you didn't fair to well.....either."


His voice tapers off and he collapses on the ground, large tears in his robe indicate he had a run in with a sword. Panting heavily he manages to sqeak out a comment and it tapers off as soon as the words leave his mouth, you don't know what he said.


<ooc hey guys it's good to be back on the forum, i've seen that we moved servers (yet again), but whatever Dark has to do to keep this place up and running)>

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