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soul gems


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Ok, so Soul gems are used to capture souls and charge weapons. But I can't seem to get it to work. I cast the spell on the critter kill it get the message that I captured the soul, but I cannot find the filled soul gem. where is it? How do I identify it?
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A filled soul gem will be in essentially the same inventory slot as it was in when it was empty, except that when you hover over it, instead of saying, "Current Soul Level: None" it will say "Current Soul Level: Petty" (or "Lesser" or "Common" or "Greater" or "Grand" depending on the soul gem and the soul captured).


If you've got a number of empty soul gems in your inventory, it can get hard to keep track of which ones you filled when. You'll just have to remember that you did have seven empty Lessers and three full ones, and now you have six empties and four full ones.


And the standard question-- the FIRST thing to consider any time there's ever a problem like this anywhere in the game (at least if you're certain it is a problem rather than just that you overlooked something)-- are you using any mods that alter soul gems or magic or enchantments or anything like that?

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