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Nude "Pet" Slave Clover


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Hold on one minute. It is not at all like you think.


Okay, it is a bit like what you think.


Well, I am thinking of a mod that makes Clover nude except for her slave collar.


Well, you see, as Clover is a slave, it would be somewhat understandable for some people to keep her nude like a "pet".


Now, before anyone thinks ill of me, note that I am female. And I am not a homosexual. I am just open-minded... and I have a twisted sense of humor... and most of my friends are male...




Anyway, it is just an idea. I noticed the Clover mods, and I was surprised to see that there was not a nude Clover patch when there was already one for the female Lone Wanderer.


Actually, on that note, a nude mod for the male Lone Wonderer would be quite.... um, never mind. I must maintain civility.


Again, just an idea that I am throwing out there... Clover mod... Nude except for her collar... Yeeeaaah....


......... I feel like I need a bath...


Ah well... As long as I am throwing my feminine pride out the window, why not a mod for larger breasts for the female Lone Wanderer?


There. I said it so that the men would not have to. Now I must piece together what is left of my dignity into something at least partially recognizable...

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Thank you, Mr. Skotte.


I just feel I should mention that most of my "loss of dignity" was done fur humor's sake. Though, in retrospect, it seemed funnier as I was typing it...


On that note (sort of), how does everyone seriously feel about larger breasts for the female Lone Wanderer?


I mean... some female players like to make the PC look a bit like them... and some of us are a bit... gifted...


Sigh... I am going to have no credibility here, am I?

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Thank you, Mr. Skotte.


I just feel I should mention that most of my "loss of dignity" was done fur humor's sake. Though, in retrospect, it seemed funnier as I was typing it...


On that note (sort of), how does everyone seriously feel about larger breasts for the female Lone Wanderer?


I mean... some female players like to make the PC look a bit like them... and some of us are a bit... gifted...


Sigh... I am going to have no credibility here, am I?


I was in a silly mood when I mentioned your "ordeal" though the humor was likely lost on the screen.


on women who are amply endowed.


around hers opinions are likely going to run the gamut from small "with how harsh the wasteland is how could a woman get the fat reserves." to medium "a handful looks nice." to large "bigger is better'.


I guess my vote would for medium personally.


but there is an issue while different bodies can be used with different races theoretically the clothing/armor wouldn't reconform for different bodies, for example if you used a character that was uh.. top-heavy but chose an outfit that wasn't setup for that body type at best you would lose some cup sizes.


I hope that helps

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Thank you, Mr. Skotte.


I just feel I should mention that most of my "loss of dignity" was done fur humor's sake. Though, in retrospect, it seemed funnier as I was typing it...


On that note (sort of), how does everyone seriously feel about larger breasts for the female Lone Wanderer?


I mean... some female players like to make the PC look a bit like them... and some of us are a bit... gifted...


Sigh... I am going to have no credibility here, am I?

about the large breasts, i am a man, and i prefer smaller ones

anyways, your idea makes much sense but shed probably have just something revealin gon

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Ah, I see. Thank you, Mr. Scotte.


I guess a mod that automatically re-sizes your character regardless of clothing would be too complicated...


I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...


So, anyway, anyone have thoughts on the "nude except for collar" Clover?

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Ah, I see. Thank you, Mr. Scotte.


I guess a mod that automatically re-sizes your character regardless of clothing would be too complicated...


if it's even doable, I don't know if it is.


I wonder if they have specific outfits from the game with increases breast size modded to be present regardless of actual equipment...

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, like a slider that can enhance cup size for body & clothing? I never heard of a mod like that.


So, anyway, anyone have thoughts on the "nude except for collar" Clover?


that is actually easily doable just delete her outfit in GECK (the collar isn't part of it)


& as a guy why would I mind having a nude slave girl

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As disturbing as it may sound, I haven't much problem with nudity and enjoy a bit of roleplaying, so I wouldn't mind being a-


Um, yes. I should best stop before I lose ALL credibility.


Anyway, I'll have to look into GECK. It's that downloadable attachment to Fallout available from the Bethesda website, correct?

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you can dl GECK here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=759. As for the body replacers some people make clothing/armor to fit with the body. Depends what body replacer you use. I believe Exnem, Babe, and type 3 are the most common.
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