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Most Liked NPC?


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Yes I agree with you I actually found him quite useful for, as we all know, dungeons are dark, and you can't hold a torch and shoot a bow at the same time, the fan holds the torch for You!
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Hmmm.... The "createfullactorcopy" of myself. Which I think still counts!


Works great with the... something recruit mod. I got 11 of... myself... and recruited them. We're now an owning army....

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Sorry-- I haven't seen such a thread and very deliberately didn't go searching for one specifically because I was under the impression that thread necromancy was discouraged here.


Anyone with the power to do so is more than welcome to delete this thread-- it matters not to me.



But some clarification would be nice-- is thread necromancy okay here? Expected? Am I better off bumping a year old thread on a subject than starting a new one?


Thanks and sorry.

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Thread necromancy occurs only when the topic is mostly concluded long ago and nothing else can be said, so no need to fear that in this case. On the contrary, multiple threads are only intolerated when on the same page... and those ones are somewhere deep down there. So relax, in either case there is no any problem.


A curious observation with this "deep down", heh :) For some reason, people eventually lose interest to all those "NPC you like" threads but the "NPC you hate" thread seems to flourish, I even believe it's one and only, still alive. Heh heh heh, people like to hate :D

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you're better off starting a new one. last I saw, the mods disapproved of thread necros
That was the impression I'd gotten, but I can't be sure that that's actually the truth.


Oh well-- for the time being at least, I stumbled on another I'd forgotten about-- Borba. I like that she's so matter of fact about being a "retired adventurer myself" and about "cleaning out" Quickwater Cave.


And Volanaro-- the practical joker in the Bruma Mages guild. Shame that he...... but never mind, this isn't the spoilers forum.


And thinking of Altmer mages-- I've liked Calindil at the Mystic Emporium in IC ever since I started a riot in the Market District and he was the only survivor (other than me). All the guards were dead, so was Maro and Rohssan and a couple of Verus brothers and all the pedestrian NPCs, and there's Calindil, stalking around with a bound helmet on his head, just looking for another fight. Didn't know he had it in him........

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