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Hand to hand animation


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I was wondering if there was a hand to hand animation replacer out there for fallout 3 as I've searched for hours and found nothing on this site. I'm looking for anything that makes H2H more entertaining, like those created for Oblivion by Sinkpoints or Seph. I know it's not the easiest thing to do or the most popular. There aren't many RPGs out there with adequate effort put into H2H animation and growth.

This makes little sense to me as Bethesda has been doing more and more to make H2H play a bigger role in their games with perks and weapons, yet all it really takes is better animation. I admired the way the animations in Oblivion evolved with your character's levels, something like that for Fallout 3 would have been great!

I know I can't be the only person that wants this mod, so maybe there's one out there just waiting for me to find it. Any feedback on this topic is extremely helpful!

Also, any help or advice on how I would go about making such a mod myself would be double helpful!

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