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Everything posted by oOlaquerheadOo

  1. I wish I could do more for this site, I would really hate to see it go away. There is one thing that I'm a little unsure of: would it be more beneficial for the site if I go the supporter route or stick to my current normal membership while leaving the ads as they are? I can't afford the premium just yet but I want to help in the next best way.
  2. Adventurer, I guess. Makes sense when I think about it. I also took the "what dnd character are you" and got a lawful good human monk. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/21.jpg http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_isblue.jpg
  3. I actually really like the sound of the male argonian's voice. Don't know why, really. It's somewhat reptilian in that it's rough yet smooth at the same time. I do dislike that EVERY male argonian is the same actor, same for female argonians, male khajiit, female khajiit, and the seven other voice actors for human characters. I really thought Bethesda would have adressed this issue as it was just ridiculous in Oblivion. They could have pulled it off if they had put a little bit more thought into it, like the fact that both Ralof and his brother-in-law are the exact same actor. It's one of the first conversations you are witnessing in the game and the actor is basically having a conversation with himself. It really pulled me out of the situation.
  4. Fire breath and become ethereal more than any other. I use ethereal to close the distance with mages and archers but I use fire breath the rest of the time. I do use ice form if I'm surrounded so that I can focus on a smaller number of enemies. I guess it depends on the situation, but definately fire and ethereal.
  5. You definately nailed it in regards to the Thieves' Guild. They feel like thugs and they have no connection to the poor in Skyrim like the Guild had in Cyrodiil. I get that the Guild has hit a low point in business and their current leader at the time of the dragonborn joining isn't the Robin Hood type, but still. They're almost as bad as the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, but at least the Brotherhood lives by a code and a structure of respect and discipline. Really lost interest in the Thieves' Guild this time around.
  6. Huh, I didn't know that. That makes it a bit easier for me to consider a non-nord whenever I start my next play through.
  7. In reference to my earlier post, does anyone else feel wierd about playing a race other than a nord in Skyrim in regards to being the dragonborn? I know that it isn't stated that the dragonborn is limited to the nord population, but there also isn't any mention of a non-nord being born with the gift. I would think that the population of Skyrim would at least comment about it, just like it felt wierd playing anything but a dark elf in Morrowind. No one made a big deal about the fact that the dark elf version of the messiah, the nerevarine, was born as an orc or imperial or whatever you played as. The nords are very proud of this aspect of their culture and it would seem like a big deal if the first dragonborn in hundreds of years turned out to be an altmer. Just a thought.
  8. lol, I hear ya. My friends don't understand why I have to torture myself by making the game harder through immersive techniques. It's the Dark Souls affliction: failure is common, but success just feels so damn rewarding when everything is balanced and you have to earn what you get. I don't think I'll be looking back anytime soon. @FiftyTifty I'm just now coming off of a really serious play through as a dunmer for what has to be the one-millionth time. I started off with dark elves for the exact point you make- they're balanced and versatile. I'm just now finding a new love for argonians, though. My favorite would definately have to be a toss up between the two.
  9. I just recently started actually planning characters out. I would previously start a play through and get a couple of hours in before starting a new character. Before I knew it, I had around ten characters that I couldn't keep track of. But I started imagining a back story (why they're in Skyrim, what they have done) and limiting my character to a pattern of behavior and thought that fit their culture and upbringing as I imagined it. It's the first time I have ever actually felt attatched to any of my characters since Morrowind. Makes it a lot more interesting, really. I guess I'm rping, but I definately understand what you're saying when it comes to the way that you play. Oh, and it's totally taken care of the financial freedom that kind of drove me crazy. I don't carry around 12 sets of enchanted armor just to sell any more. Now every gold I make has real value.
  10. I'm right there with you, which is one of the reasons I'm so interested by the argonians. I love the relationship thy have with the flora of Black Marsh. I've never actually played as a wood elf, though. Now that I think about it, that's the one race that I keep forgetting about. I'll have to play through as one sometime. And I totally understand the lack of interest with the human races if you're into magic characters. Magic characters often make warriors and the like seem like regular dudes running around with sharp sticks.
  11. Playing Skyrim as a Nord just feels right to me, just like playing a Dunmer in Morrowind felt right. But it doesn't change the fact that some races tend to stand out over the others in regards to their culture and history. And in my opinion, TES has some of the most developed collection of races and cultures I've ever seen in a game. Anyways, each time I begin a new character, it takes me forever to figure out which race to play as. I've always had a connection with the Dunmer as Morrowind was my first Eler Scrolls game and their culture is extremely interesting. But after reading the Infernal City and Lord of Souls by Greg Keyes (two great books), I have discovered that the Argonians are truly outstanding. from the An-Xileel taking on oblivion gates on their own, to the strange, symbiotic relationship they have with the hist trees, I have to say that the Argonians are the most interesting of them all. Thoughts?
  12. So I've never really encountered a mod that I wasn't able to fix by simply changing the load order of my mods, but this one has stumped me entirely. Whenever my character performs the shield bash killmove, the enemy sems unaffected and the fight resumes as if it never happened. I attack again, triggering another shield bash killmove with the same result. This will happen over and over again within the same fight, back to back killmoves doing nothing, until a different killmove is triggered and the fight is ended. I've tried everything besides completely removing questionable mods or doing a reinstall. I've even removed any animation mods I was using. I also can't find anything on anyone else having this issue. If someone could shed some light as to what might cause this, I'd be very grateful.
  13. Seeing as I haven't received any help here so far today, and don't want you to have the same experience, I thought I'd try helping you. I remember seeing a mod that increases the clanking sounds of certain armors. It was on the steam workshop though. I think it was called Clanking Armor, or something of that nature. Hope that helps you. Thanks for the assist, I'll look for it on the workshop. I don't know if these mods are what you're looking for, but maybe you could check them out. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18973 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12539 Sorry I couldn't help more.
  14. I remember seeing a mod that increased the noise level of your armor while running/sprinting, but I can't find it again. I don't know if I imagined it or what.
  15. That's pretty much what it is, separating meshes and then porting them back into the game as separate pieces. I'm just having trouble with the latter part of the operation. I had 3ds Max from autodesk on my Asus but my computer decided to crap out on me. Now the fall semester is here and I'll need to focus on school, so I might not jump right back into modding just yet. Just as well I guess, I was starting to get really frustrated with nifskope and 3ds.
  16. That armor is on modgames.net. It's entirely in russian so you'll need a translation application to register/login. Firefox or Google chrome is great for that. I'm pretty sure it's in the clothing section for Skyrim, but it might be in the armor files.
  17. I don't know if you're talking about this, but I think if your download the Witcher armors mod that includes Letho's slayer armor you can get the "x" straps from the hide/studded armor as a stand-alone peice equipable with just about any armor. You might have to search for it in the creation kit, I can't remember how I got to it. I think it's called "Letho's Leather Belt". Check it out if you have the time.
  18. I'm trying to put a mod together that separates individual pieces of armor sets and place them into Skyrim as stand-alone armor add-ons just like the mod bandolier - bags and pouches, just on a larger scale. I miss the way the armor was equipped in Morrowind where you could equip a left pauldron from the iron armor set and a right pauldron from the steel set, etc. I've discovered that you cannot separate and mash-up meshes from Skyrim in nifskope like you could with Oblivion. I really have no idea how to deconstruct meshes with 3ds Max and I have been unable to locate a tutorial that might help teach me how to do this. If anyone knows of a tutorial that fits this description and can point me in the proper direction, I would be much obliged.
  19. As far as compatability goes, as long as you do not have two separate mods that alter the same set of clothing/armor/weapons and the way that they are distributed, you should be okay. Mods that alter the same world space as other mods can cause issues, like a mod that changes the interior of a house or city. Just back up your saves and practice common sense. Always read the description of the mod you intend to download. You might actually have better luck searching for answers on other threads as this thread is intended for individuals searching for a specific mod or a mod with specific criteria. Take some extra time to search the forums for a more relevant topic thread.
  20. Well, I've discovered what every modder has been dealing with since Skyrim's launch. With Oblivion, you could add and remove pieces of an armor mesh with nifskope alone to easily create mash-ups of ingame armors. This isn't the case with Skyrim, though. Otherwise this mod would be fairly simple to do. Now I just have to locate a decent tutorial that shows you how to do this with 3ds Max.
  21. I know that the pickpocket perk tree includes a perk that allows you to poison someone by reverse-pickpocketing them. I've never tried it so I don't know how well it works. The apocalypse spell package has some really intersting spells that you might like, I think.
  22. I'm just now getting used to 3ds max and nifskope by using Nightasy's tutorial channel on youtube. If you know of a tutorial that can help me figure out how to separate meshes, I'd be very grateful. Maybe then I could do it myself as my first official mod.
  23. Invincible skulls? Crazy stuff, do they just keep flying forever? I'm just now getting started with modding myself, I'm actually in the middle of downloading 3ds Max to start off. Gonna try my hand at new meshes and all that jazz. I'm hoping to get good enough to add a set of armor similar to the elite knight set from Dark Souls. I've seen a lot of Dark Souls requests on these forums so I thought I'd give it a shot.
  24. I totally agree with you there. It's been too long since the days of the Morrowind armor system. I loved mixing and matching pieces of armor and it was great that you could equip two different gauntlets...I think you could, it's been a while. Either way, pauldrons alone would be outstanding.
  25. That's exactly what I was thinking, as a matter of fact. I know it's probably a little crazy as far as the work involved, but it would be really cool if the skull was engulfed in green fire and laughed like crazy while it flew towards the taget. Yeah, that's badass.
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