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How to make a simple scripted sequence


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Hey, everyone. I've been working on a mod for quite a while now, and I have a question about a simple scripted scene I want to transpire at a certain point. Once you finish talking with a specific NPC a quest is completed, and I want the sequence to initiate right after this. Basically, I want a fade in black, and then I want an NPC to spawn within this area (it's an interior area) and walk up to the player and start a conversation. Anyone know how to do this, and willing to help me out? Would be greatly appreciated!

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Everything you want to do can be achieved with basic packages and variables. The links posted above would help.


To get an NPC to talk to the player, use a dialog package and flag conversation. Control this with a quest variable. Make sure you .evp or it'll take them up to 5 seconds to do this. I don't remember fade to blacks, I'll try and look it up.

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Thanks a lot for the help! I managed to get him to spawn with the npcref.enable command right after the quest is completed, and found the fade to black command as well, ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackISFX. Both worked fine, now I just need to get him to walk towards the player and initiate the conversation.

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Okay, made a dialogue package with the playerref as the wait location, so he walks up to the player and initiates the conversation, works perfectly! Thanks for pointing me to a dialogue package, didn't realize it was this simple! I will have another sequence a bit more complicated like this later in my mod, so I might need some help again, but for now I've done what I needed. Cheers! :)

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Right, I already have a new question, and hoping there's someone who can help me out here. Basically I want to create a guard package for a specific area, which shouldn't be too hard. What I need advice with is creating 'exceptions' to tha guard package. I want certain NPCs to be able to be inside the 'restricted area' and I also want the player to be granted access, but only after a specific conversation, a specific response from one of the guards. Anyone know what script command this is? If it is a script command.

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Not sure of the specifics, but you'll probably want to look at making a Faction which includes everyone allowed in your area. You should be able to define the area and the Faction allowed to enter it in the Render Window of the GECK. Then, you could have the end result of said conversation be that the guard gives the Player a passport, or ID card, or just some kind of token. From there, add a script to that token along the lines of:


BEGIN OnEquip Player

Player.AddToFaction MYFACTION



BEGIN OnUnequip Player

Player.RemoveFromFaction MYFACTION



Like I say, those may not be the actual commands, but you could find them on the GECK website or through Google. You may want to include companions in that script as well, otherwise they may get shot.

Edited by AxlDave
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the very late reply. Been trying this, but with a slight variation, let's see if it works out. Thanks a lot for the advice!

I've actually got 2 other questions now I simpy haven't been able to find answers for. First of all, what's the scripting command to END an AI package? Basically, I want the result script of a line of dialogue to end an AI package (it's a 'use item at' package type). And secondly, I know that in order to change the name of an NPC that's talking to you during dialogue the command is setactorfullname (the name). But what if I want someone else's name to change, not the NPC I'm talking to? Do I replace actor with the NPC's reference?

Would appreciate any help, cheers!

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Not sure about the AI Packages as I haven't worked with them yet. As for the renaming thing, I'm pretty sure you define the reference first, as in Player.SetActorFullName "Spongebob Squarepants". For an NPC it would be 1ECookCook.SetActorFullName "Mary Steenburgen", which should change Cook Cook's name to Mary Steenburgen. Pretty sure that's how it works.

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That worked like a charm, thanks! I initially forgot that I had to use the ID of the message, not just insert a name after the 'setactorfullname'. Now if anyone knows the command to end an AI package, that'd be great.

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