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Dwemer style flintlock pistol


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For a pirate in Skyrim, there aren't many immersive ways to approach ranged combat. The bow and arrow are too primitive, crossbows are bulky and don't quite fit the style, and shouts are out of the question for anyone role playing as an ordinary, non-dragonblooded, roguish character.


Naturally the mind turns to the flintlock pistol, a small but effective firearm based on the 18th century real life weapon. Incorporating Dwemer mechanics into the concept makes it far more believable, given the lack of technological advancement in Tamriel. There currently exist two different mods that offer pistols for Skyrim, but neither of these really fits in with the idea, especially with a few other aspects considered.


First up is Flintlock Pistol - by Mikloud




While this mod is a work of art, a few things are off about it, particularly the wood and steel look that doesn't quite seem to fit in with Skyrim. The damage is calculated by scripts, with timed effects based on fire or bleeding. Not only is this awkward when looking at enemy health, but it takes away the possibility of ranged killcams.


Next we have Dwemer Rifle - by EdgyBluz




This weapon has a more distinctive Dwemer feeling, but seems very cumbersome and almost cartoonish. Damage is dealt as a projectile, so effects are instant, there's a satisfying knockback, and ranged killcams can happen. There's also a problem with the advancement scripting, preventing the player from gaining experience in their marksman skill while using it.




What I'm proposing and/or requesting is a mod that consolidates the pros of each of the above mods while also leaving out the cons, in addition to having a new model that fits in with Dwarven lore and style. Basically a weapon that deals script-free damage that can also be reliably used to train archery, but also has a practical and efficient steampunk brass designs instead of an anachronistic renaissance firearm.


Note that there are currently some other mods that add Dwemer and flintlock style guns, but nearly all of them are rifles. The basic style of those is kind of what I'm looking for though. You can see an example here.


Some pictures for the general idea...




So does this sound possible?

Edited by BleydThePirate
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