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Can Someone Re-create This Armor? (Black Retexture Of Ancient Nord Arm


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I really like the retexture of the Ancient Nord armor from this mod...


PA Dark Ancient Nord Craftables v_1 - more colors soon



I really like the retexture, but the mesh of the armor is all messed up.

like the fur on the shoulders isn't the same shape as the vanilla armor, and of you look closely at it you can see right through your character.

(I would put up some pictures of the bug but for some reason I cant accesses my photo bucket to upload the pics)


I'm wondering if you put the retexture on some normal Ancient Nord Armor and not the Re-meshed version of the armor, if that would fix it, can someone give me a try and tell me if it works?


If someone would recreate or fix this retexture I would be really grateful.

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Same UV Layout so it should work...since he just made a retexture standalone, and maybe messed up the mesh he included in the upload.




Rename ebonyarmorbodyf.dds (that comes with the mod) to femaledraugrarmor.dds and place it in ...\Skyrim\textures\armor\draugr\

If this folder structure doesn't already exist you have to create it.



Edited by ghosu
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ah.. I just did that and it makes the vanilla armor look like the black armor, but it looked the same...

I think it's the texture that's messed up, so its not the mesh that makes the armor see though, its the texture, unless I did it wrong. :sad:


Edit: I took some screenshots of the two armors side by side.




Edited by xXLoboSolitarioXx
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You mean these tiny dots you can look through?

And jeah the furry/cloth parts are blacked out...


Well, seems he messed up the textures alpha channel...you can see through all the red dots on this image and he forget to fix the blacked out parts.





The original one's alpha channel looks like that, red parts are invisible...as example the fur part is not a simple blocky texture because the red areas are cut in a way to make it look "furry".



... gimme a minute, I'll try to fix that.

Edited by ghosu
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ghosu you are just....the most awesome guy on nexus. :)

you have helped me out a lot ^^

although, can you do me a favor?

can you send me that texture fix to my Gmail?

the download link is in a different language I cant read ^^"

my gmail is [email protected]

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