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Backpack Baby Carrier


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I was looking at Nifscope and Blender for the first time today in the hopes that this would be an easy thing to do... Who was I kidding, I'm a noob! - So I'll post my idea here in the hopes that someone with actual skills thinks it worthy of following up on.

An equip-able backpack that has the Baby from the Pitt DLC in it.

The models for the kid are already in the game. It doesn't even need to be Baby Marie, just use her mesh and textures and add it like any other backpack. All it really needs is placement on the back and some straps and it's good to go... I think... Though, like I said, I am a total noob at modding.

The cool thing is that I don't believe it's been done before and it shouldn't be too hard to do... If only I knew how.

Your character could be like Clive Owen in Shoot'emup, or the guy from Wolf and Cub, a hardened father or mother out there in the wasteland, carrying not just themselves through the harsh post apocalyptic world but their helpless little baby on whom their future will depend... Parenthood and the wasteland could add some very cool story possibilities (even if it is just a backpack).

Maybe a small boost to charisma while wearing it could make sense ("Ahhh lookit the cute widle baby!") but apart from that it could be a simple enough prop.


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Maybe you could have it so the sound from when you are a toddler plays when you jump ( "Dadda" )... for immersion. Though it might get annoying after a while, it's better then having the baby start crying for ten minutes whenever there is a loud noise or someone shoots you with a mini-gun.

Or maybe the best idea (and easiest to create) is to have no noise.

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