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Hey everyone,


so Ive noticed that we have an outstanding Elsweyr mod and the TR team is making an excellent Hammerfell mod. Now I'm trying to learn how to make mods. I have plenty of good ideas and am drawing all kinds of conceptual art for Valenwood, Black Marshes and some stuff for Hammerfell. Has anyone thought of getting a team together to make such a place?! I would love to get something going... but I cant mod. If someone could point me in a good direction to make mods, some good tutorials for building houses and stuff. I would like to be able to add some quests or a few more small towns to Elsweyr. I don't know... I know that modding takes time, but once you figure it out you just need the time to be able to mod, and I have plenty of time to work on this. I just need a little help and the push in the right direction. I think it would be awesome to have Hammerfell all the way across to Black Marshes.



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