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Which of these things really concern you RIGHT NOW ?


Read the first post, vote and reply, please !!!  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these things really concern you NOW ?

    • Political and the Nations Conditions Things.
    • Economic and Work Things.
    • Health Things.
    • Safety Things
    • Education Things
    • Social Things.
    • Enviroment Around Us Things.
    • Respect, Social or Other Status Things.
    • Entertaiment, Leisures, Comfort, and/or Luxury Things
    • Other Things.

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The vote is simple, choose one of the above choices, that really concern you now.


I didn't include religion since, religion related things in this forum I thought is forbidden.


And it's the thing who concern you NOW. Not the past, not later. Example, you love your family, but you really need to leave them to earn some money, that means you choose "Economic and Work Things".


So it's the thing that you really care about just NOW.


So please vote and reply, thanks.

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OFF: May I ask, whywas this reported? I see no problem with this poll/debate. Well, it's not really a debate, but this seems like the right place for it... Sorry if you weren't reporting this for rule breaking, and for it being (maybe) in the wrong section.



ON: Well, I voted Social. Im going through... a stage, or a phase that is.... rather embaressing, especialy since my school mates are immature.

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Even though it's already been said, I just feel the need to reiterate-- which self-appointed busybody reported this thread and why? There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and since it's a poll regarding, among other things, current events, it could well lead to a DEBATE, meaning that the DEBATES forum is exactly the right place for it.


That off my chest-- I voted Economic and Work Things. I'm an American, and a construction worker, and that should pretty well explain that. :confused:

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This is not a debate at all, this is a poll that asks about your situation NOW. It's doesn't ask about which that you really care about, but what concern you NOW. (You can't debate someone's else situation) This is a poll that ask you about your situation now, which choice really concern you now.


Example, you've just moved to another nation, even before you have a lot of friends, but in the new place, you barely have any friends at all. So the thing that concern is "social things", because before you moved, you have alot of friends.


So, this shouldn't be a debate. I don't know what it will look like if it's a debate, I don't think this even possible.

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It was moved to debates for two reasons, it will end up as a debate. Second is post count does not count in the lounge but it does in debates.


But have it your way, I will move it back and lock it.




The reason it is locked is because moderator actions are not open to public debate or discussion.

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