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Any good mod list?


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I personally like "SOME" mods that make things harder or more realistic.


Realistic encumbernce, Faster arrows, Dashing or advanced running mods with fatigue(esspecially ones that work on the NPC), I really like magic mods so you can cast any spell (if you have the enegry for it) with the out of level ones having a chance to fail,


I really like the better citys mod. Makes the place seem more real, some complain about frame rate hike but in a city you are mostly dooing non combat stuff(shoping questing) the city its self is usually just a path to some smaller scale shop or house anyway.


I like special combat moves mods a lot. It is much better to do fun stuff in combat than just bashing everything to death. Also I get mods that increse # of creatures spawing in some places. Makes it more dangerous to just go wandering in nowhere. Oh and no extinction mods so stuff like dear and boar dont just disapear to be replaced with horid stuff like will-o-wisps and trolls(thoes things are relegated to the deep wild) .



But with soooooo many mods out there the way you want the game to be It can be.

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