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in your pants


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this one is simple, yet funny. like the last poster wins (good lord i shouldnt hav estarted that)



basically, you have to explain why the thing listed by the above user is in your pants, then list a new thing to be explained




Katshy: Thats what they're calling them now?

The next poster has a wild bobcat in their pants



Calliton: chase away the mice, fluffy

next person has an epic in their pants






like that

ill start



The next poster has an epic in their pants



one rule, try to keep it clean ok?

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I dont really understand this... BUT YOU USED MY NAME :D


Can you explain more?


EDIT: Nevermind, I get it.


Epic: Cause im cool


Next poster has: 2 books and a coat hanger in thier pants.

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Two Books and a coat hanger: I always need something to read and you never know when you have to hang someone out to dry.


The next poster has Pirahna and a shark in their pants.

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i have phone because i like to talk to people, another pair of pants because if the one i am wearing ripped i would have something to wear, 5 posters of halo because i like that game

next poster haves: Police badge, BBQ, frying pan, and a laptop

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I have a police badge cause like a policemans helmet it's there to be knicked, a BBQ because i like to eat, a frying pan useful against enemies and a laptop so can keep up to date on the nexus forums.

the next poster has a model aeroplane, a box of playing cards and 4 half bricks in socks.

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I have a model plane cause I can't fly a real one. I have a box of playing cards to play on the plane since I cant fly my own. I have the bricks to through at planes cause they make me sad since I cant fly tem.


Next Poster: A dictionary, deed to a small London flat, a dirty cup, 2 lamps and a bottle of tixilix (Tixilix is cough medicine.)

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--A dictionary because because I'm talking at forums, I like to show I've got a flat in London, My UEFA cup is just used a lot, I have 2 lamps to read my dictionary without a shadow and I've got a cold to deal with.


--callition.. I was just done writing :P


I like to carry buddah's and give them to my friends.


Next one has a pencil, paper and some alcohol (First aid-kind).

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