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Enemies surrender


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There was a similar mod for oblivion, and I was suprised to find that there's not for fallout.


Basically enemies would have a certain chance to surrender, depending on various stats like your karma, level, and most importantly their health level.


Whenever they'll just flee, or they get on the captive animation and you can decide for example to put a slave collar on them or just take their stuff and release them, I'm happy either way.





Please note: I am aware of the fact that the enclave commander mod has something like that but:

1. it works only for your spawned npcs

2. EVERY npc surrenders no matter what, and it makes things boring

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There was a similar mod for oblivion, and I was suprised to find that there's not for fallout.


and why exactly would you be surprised that a game that came out on March 20, 2006 would have more mod content than a game that came out on October 28, 2008 over 2 and a half years later...


I don't understand... :mellow:

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