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Marts Mutant Mod


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Im not sure if this is normal but when i am shooting either enclave soldiers, raiders or talon company mercs i fire like 20 .44 rounds point blank in thier head and they loose NO health atall! Then they finally do start taking damage but when i go into vats thier health in vats is compleatly different to when not in vats.


So i think iv almost killed an enemy but in vats they have near to full health!!!


Very confusing, This happens with just mmm (with out any other mods so it cant be conflict). I have tried different load orders and even done a fresh install of FO3!


The problem is random ie. it hapens to one solider but the other is taking damage normally. I once blasted around 500 5mm/DU rounds at a raiders face and nothing... not even a scratch :(


Any one know why this is happening?



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  • 1 month later...
500 rounds to the face and not a scratch?

Holy sh...... run! run like hell man! its a raider from hell...................


This kind of thing never happens to me :D


It happened to me once, I was trying out one of the "essential" (unkillable) dogmeat mods. I can't remember which one it was though.

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Happens to me too, just not with all of them. Once in awhile I'll really have a time trying to bring down one guy while I can one-shot the rest of them. I write it off as a glitch in the game. I wouldn't let go of my MMM mods for anything though so if that's what's causing it, I'll live with it.
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