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Installing Ultimate Follower Overhaul with Mod Organizer


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I am having issues with UFO working correctly in my game when I run it through MO. I have all prerequisite mods installed, but it doesn't register that UFO is installed.


I tested installing the mod both in my data folder and through MO at the same time so see if that would work, but my game still will not register that UFO is installed. Every other mod I have installed through MO has worked perfectly.


I went to the mod page and followed the exact descripction on how to properly install the mod and I still haven't had any luck. Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?

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I've heard that UFO is out of date. Back when I used it I didn't have any problems that were hard to fix, but it's worth mentioning that it's no longer completely compatible with all the Skyrim patches and DLC. I'm not sure if that's the issue here, however.

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I believe it is compatible as I just got an update today, but I'm not sure when it came out exactly. I haven't played in a few weeks.


Edit: I just realized you were talking about UFO and not MO lol my bad, I'll do some more research into it.

Edited by Codizzle17
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