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Some Ideas... Post them here!

Der kopfsammler

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Hey everyone... im kinda new here on this forum... I was wandering arround the Fallout 3 Nexus site searching for new types of armor... and i sudently remembered of the game Killzone 2... So i was wondering... Why havent nobody remembered to make a Helghast Armor type for Fallout yet?... :whistling:


OR make the planes of Rivet City operational as well... That would be cool... :thumbsup:


Anyways... type your awsome ideas and sugestions here!

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Not many people are going to post here because there is a modification request section in these forums...


Ohh i didnt knew that... Im new here... :thanks: Can anyone give me the link to it?... I would apreciate it... :biggrin:


And about the robot control thing... it would be awesome if we could simply repair any destroyed robots... turn them into our companions... and modify them with whatever we wanted... like weapons... armor... sight... etc...

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Not many people are going to post here because there is a modification request section in these forums...


Ohh i didnt knew that... Im new here... :thanks: Can anyone give me the link to it?... I would apreciate it... :biggrin:


And about the robot control thing... it would be awesome if we could simply repair any destroyed robots... turn them into our companions... and modify them with whatever we wanted... like weapons... armor... sight... etc...


are you really that lazy that you need someone to give you a link? :mellow:


Anyways... type your awsome ideas and sugestions here!


here is my sugestion, learn to read...

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