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Give the Clothes and Wear the Clothes Request


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Theres something bothering me about the Ghost of Jiub at the Soul Cairn, why is he in Ragged Clothing and with Hair, yet he was in Kvatch when he got Murdered and thrown into the Soul Cairn.


Now i can understand this is a Great Easter Egg and theres even a Mod "A Saint Shaved" witch Bethesda couldent give 2 Seconds of their time to make Jiub Bald.


What im trying to figure out is, why is Jiub not in Clothes, did he forever walked in Prison Clothes since the day the Player met him and why wont Lore be allowed for Jiub to grow Hair.


I thought Jiub is now a Saint of the Morrowind People, he should atleast wear Respected Clothing from he's Homeland.


So what im Requesting is, could someone give Jiub Morrowind Clothes from Dragonborn where he is also Bald.

Edited by daventry
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Fantastic thank you, so he is Bald and will wear Morrowind Clothes


Im wondering if its possible to make it so when Sheogorath return us to the Blue Palace with the Wabbajack, we should wear his Clothes aswell.


I know there are Mods where you can forge the Clothes from a Smith instead of getting them from a Store or you can find it on a Cart in Riverwood for no apparent reason or getting it the Lazy Way through the Console.


All that is Immersion Breaking in witch my Request stands please.

Edited by daventry
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