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What are esps and esms?


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Okay so when I make mods their format is a esp by default, and to my understanding there is also a esm, so i'm wondering what are they? Yes I understand it's a type of format, but what do they do what's their difference? if someone could clarify this for me it would be greatly appreciated.

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an ESM is a master and is beholden to no other


Whereas an esp has to be connected to at least one ESM to be able to run .. ie FalloutNV.esm is all that you need activated to be able to run the game ... but all created esps & ESMs need to have FalloutNV.esm as their master bc that is what connects to all of the BSAs and whatnot in the data folder ... savvy?


I think I got that right ... peanut gallery correct me if I got it wrong

Edited by alienzerox
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