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FOSE walkthrough please?


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Okay, FOSE readme says it works with the Steam version and it also says it doesnt. I put all the files in the right place, I run it and it says im running an unknown versionof FO3. I have the latest patch and I am wanting to use the STABLE vrsion of FOSE, not the beta.


Can anyon post here a step by step walkthrough on what I needfor it to work and how to get it working? All help appreciated.

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The stable Version is the "Fallout Script Extender v1".

Since FOSE has to be adapted to each patch version, FOSE v1 probably wont work with newer patches.


v1.1 beta9 should work with patch versions from up to

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each patch changes the fallout.exe, which leads to another checksum of the exe


--> so fose needs to be adapted or you will get a report like this:

launching: Fallout3.exe

crc = FE5B82AE

You have an unknown version of Fallout. Please check http://fose.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of FOSE, then send an email to the contact addresses listed in fose_readme.txt if this version is not supported in the latest release. (CRC = FE5B82AE)

checksum not found

Just unzip the latest version (which is quite stable), copy these files into the < Install Dir > \ Fallout 3 folder and run the fose_loader or launch FOSE via FOMM

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Ah, theres another version of this thread i made that was answered. In the other one I said its fine now, its working. It was because the read me said to put 3 files in the folder, which didnt work. You actually need to put all the fles in the folder.
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