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Nuclear Winter: The Lone Wanderers Tale


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Okay, I'm making a new machinima, Nuclear Winter: The Lone Wanderers Tale.


It is basically about a group of ex-enclave soldiers, trying to survive out in the wastes, during a Nuclear Winter.


I am looking for some voice actors to voice the characters.


The characters (so far) are:


  • Amy; main character, female, sniper
  • Chrissy; Amys mentor and best friend, female, assault and tactics.
  • Prvt John Jameson; tech expert, male
  • Srgt July; not much is known about her, shes an outcast of the outcasts, comes in later, female
  • Various raiders and super mutants; well, muties are male, and raiders are female or male.


This machinima is going to be epic. Heres a video giving the feel of it. (Its unvoiced and laggy, but it wont be like that in the real thing) --->



EDIT: I just realised you could see a bit of the VATS, that wont be happening in the real one.

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No need for an American accent! Im British so... but yeah, Ill make up a story...


Anyway, Xfire... is it free? I already paid for Fraps and it cost quite a bit...

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